Autumn 2000

CSE 373: Exercise Set #3
due Friday, November 17
Hashing and Heaps

1. Add a new indexing mechanism to Programming Project #2 where instead of binary search trees you should use separate chaining with hash function
f(x) = x mod TableSize
for keeping the indexes. Implement only the insert operation. For both the StudentNumber (S) index and the Age (A) index, experiment with the following hash tables sizes (where size is the number of bins) and compute the max, min, and average number of elements in each bin (these will really be the list lengths) after all data has been inserted:

20 bins
50 bins
100 bins

DO NOT TURN IN YOUR PROGRAM. Turn in your results in the form of a table as follows:

Bins S_Max S_Min S_Avg A_Max A_Min A_Avg



2. (Using a second hash function) Exercise 5.1d from the book (C or C++ version)

3. (Extendible hashing) Exercise 5.14 from the book (5.19 in C++ version). Start with one empty block of size 4. Draw a diagram each time a block splits.

4. (Binary heaps) Exercises 6.2 and 6.3 from the book (C or C++ version).

5. Write a paper-and-pencil routine to perform
as called by the buildHeap procedure for a min-heap.
It should start at the i-th element of the array where the heap is stored, and move its value down the tree, swapping with one of its children as necessary, until that value finally takes its proper place.
Running your routine on a computer is optional, but your paper-and-pencil solution should include the definitions of relevant data structures you are using.

Good luck!