4. This part is due by noon, Thursday, October 19.
Help us create the "database" for Programming Project #2. E-mail back one or more database
records to Ann Li, observing the format described below:
- 7 characters: StudentNumber (no blanks)
- 1 blank space
- 15 characters: LastName (pad on the right with blanks, if needed)
- 1 blank space
- 15 characters: FirstName (pad on the right with blanks, if needed)
- 1 blank space
- 2 characters: Age (2 digit integer between 10 and 99)
- 1 blank space
- 2 characters: Class (1 digit integer between 1 and 9)
6413578 Buckingham Christopher 29 4
Ann Li has already sent a request e-mail to the class mailing list. You should reply
(not Reply All, just Reply) to that e-mail, back to her.