Lab 4: Implementing Algorithms in Hardware

Thursday, April 18, 2024
Due Date
Friday, May 3, 2024 at 11:59 pm


In this lab, you will use Algorithmic State Machine with Datapath (ASMD) charts to implement algorithms as hardware circuits.

ASMD Review

The implementation of algorithms in hardware is often performed by separating the data storage and manipulation components (the datapath circuit) from an FSM for the routing logic (the control circuit).

A key distinction between ASMD charts and flow charts is a concept known as implied timing. The implied timing specifies that all actions associated with the current state (i.e., the active path in the ASM block) take place only when the next active clock edge occurs. For a more thorough review of ASMD charts, see the lecture slides.

Lab Code

For .sv files, you may want to right-click and save/download instead of clicking.


Task 1 – Bit-Counting Algorithm

The ASMD chart shown in Figure 1 represents a circuit that counts the number of bits set to 1 in an n-bit input A (i.e., A = an-1an-2…a1a0).

Figure 1: Algorithmic State Machine with Datapath (ASMD) chart for a bit-counting circuit. Note that this diagram as-is is not sufficient for your lab report; please follow the ASMD chart style shown in lecture.

Implement the bit-counting circuit given by the ASMD chart in Figure 1 in SystemVerilog to run on the DE1-SoC, combining the necessary datapath components and a control circuit FSM.

  • The inputs to your circuit should consist of an 8-bit input (A) connected to switches SW7–SW0, a synchronous reset connected to KEY0, and a start signal (s) connected to KEY3.
  • Use the 50 MHz clock signal provided on the DE1-SoC as the clock input for your circuit. Be sure to handle metastability properly in your s input.
  • Display the number of 1's counted in A on the 7-segment display HEX0, and signal that the algorithm is finished by lighting up LEDR9.

Task 2 – Binary Search Algorithm

Implement a binary search algorithm, which searches through an unsigned array to locate an 8-bit value A once the user presses Start. A block diagram for the circuit is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Incomplete block diagram for the binary search algorithm circuit.

The binary search algorithm works on a sorted array. Rather than comparing each value in the array to the one being sought, we first look at the middle element and compare the sought value to the middle element. If the middle element has a greater value, then we know that the value we seek would be in the first half of the array. Otherwise, the value we seek would be in the second half of the array. By applying this approach recursively, we can complete our search in many fewer steps.

System Specifications

  • The array, which you can assume has a fixed size of 32 elements, is stored in a memory module that is implemented inside the FPGA. A diagram of the memory module that we need to create is depicted in Figure 3. This memory should contain a sorted collection of 8-bit unsigned integers.
  • Inputs: A should be specified on switches SW7–SW0, Start on KEY3, and Reset on KEY0.
  • Outputs: 5-bit output Loc, which specifies the address in the memory where the number A is located, a signal Done indicating that the algorithm is finished, and a signal Found that should be high if A was found and low otherwise.
    • Display Loc, if found, in hex on HEX1–HEX0, Done on LEDR9, and Found on LEDR0.
Figure 3: 32 × 8 RAM with registered inputs for the binary search algorithm circuit.

Step-by-step Instructions

  1. Create an ASMD chart for the binary search algorithm. Keep in mind that the memory has registers on its input ports – when would you expect to see the output associated with new inputs?
  2. Implement the control FSM and the datapath for your circuit as separate modules.
  3. Create a memory that is eight-bits wide and 32 words deep in a similar fashion to Lab 2 Task 1 and then connect it to your FSM and datapath as indicated in Figure 2. Use the DE1-SoC's 50 MHz clock signal as the Clock input and be sure to synchronize the Start input to the clock (i.e., handle metastability).
  4. Create a memory initialization file called my_array.mif (refer to Lab 2 Task 3 Step 2) and fill it with an ordered set of 8-bit unsigned integers of your choice. Make sure that this file is saved in the same folder as the Quartus project.
  5. Make sure that your design works in simulation and on the DE1-SoC.
  6. After you have Tasks 1 and 2 working, add the ability to switch between them in the same program using SW9.

Lab Requirements

Lab Report

Due by the end of Friday, submitted as a PDF on .

  • Include the required Design Procedure, Results, and Experience Report sections along with the other requirements listed in the .
    • Notice that Figure 1 does not currently include your control signals or ASM blocks. Also notice that Figure 2 does not currently include your control or status signals.
  • As separate files, upload your commented code files (.sv and generated .v), including test benches.

Lab Demo

Due within one week of the lab report deadline, but typically during your assigned demo slot or a scheduled office hour.

  • Demonstrate your working Task 1 bit-counting algorithm on different inputs.
  • Explain what your Task 1 reset signal does in your code.
  • Show your Task 2 memory initialization file to the TA so they know the contents of the memory.
  • Demonstrate your working Task 2 binary search algorithm for found and not found inputs.
  • Explain what your Task 2 reset signal does in your code.
  • Be prepared to answer 1-2 questions about your lab experience to the TA.

Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria
Name, student ID, lab number
2 pts
Design Procedure
16 pts
16 pts
Experience Report
6 pts
SystemVerilog code uploaded
5 pts
Code style
5 pts
50 pts
100 pts