HW 6: Assertions, Classes, and Randomization

Thursday, May 16, 2024
Due Date
Monday, May 27, 2024 at 11:59 pm

EDA Playground Setup

Registering an Account

The advanced verification features (concurrent assertions, classes) cannot be run in ModelSim so we will use EDA Playground instead, which is a web application that will let you use these features via more powerful commercial simulators.

  1. Go to and register your account using your UW email.
  2. You will receive a confirmation email from getedaplayground@gmail.com with a link to visit.
  3. Now you should be able to log in with your UW email.

Using EDA Playground

Projects are called "Playgrounds." The following are general setup and usage tips.

  • You can always start a new project from scratch by clicking the EDA Playground logo in the upper-left. To open an existing project, click on Playgrounds → "Your Playgrounds" in the upper-right.
  • To name your project, click the Share tab (you may need to scroll upwards) at the bottom of the screen and add a title (and optional description). You can also change your sharing settings in the drop-down menu here – you will want "Public" if you want to share your code with others and "Private" otherwise. A sharing button () will appear once you've saved your project and you can click it to generate/view your project's URL.
    Figure 1: EDA Playground's Share tab with options for naming and saving your project as well as sharing settings.
  • To save your project, you can click either Save button (one at the top, one in the Share tab) or press Ctrl+S on your keyboard.
  • To edit your project, type into the windows for your test bench (left) and design unit (right). If you need to create or upload submodules or other files (e.g., data files for $readmem), click the icon next to either the test bench.sv or design.sv tabs.
  • Waveforms are viewed in EPWave by reading value change dumps (.vcd files), so make sure to include $dumpfile; $dumpvars; at the beginning of your test bench's test input initial block. This also means that the displayed waveforms won't persist across different sessions and enum values will be displayed instead of names (e.g., 00 instead of S_idle).
  • To run your project, click the Run button or press Ctrl+Enter. However, you first need to select a few settings in the left side menu:
    • In the "Languages & Libraries" section make sure that "SystemVerilog/Verilog" is selected.
    • In the "Tools & Simulators" section, make sure that "Mentor Questa" is selected.
    • If you want to view the simulation waveforms, check the "Open EPWave after run" box. By default, this will open EPWave in a popup frame. You can make it open in a new tab by checking "Open EPWave waveforms on a separate page after run" setting in Profile → Profile.
    TBD       TBD
    Figure 2: EDA Playground's left side menu areas for selecting your desired HDL (left), simulator (right), and waveform settings (right).

Homework Files

For .txt files, you may want to right-click and save/download instead of clicking.


Problem 1

  1. Open problem1.txt (files) and split the code there appropriately into the test bench and design textboxes in a new project in EDA Playground.
    • This code uses a few SystemVerilog features and constructs we haven't discussed, but should be understandable.
  2. Now make sure that you can run the code and view the waveforms of all signals in EPWave.
  3. Compare the comments in the test bench to the waveforms and the simulation log. Make a single change to the concurrent assertion (not the test bench) to make the test bench comments true. In your text file, indicate the change you made and the line number in your final design.sv file.
  4. Think about what this assertion is checking for (req is "request" and gnt is "grant") and update the assertion failure message to be more descriptive.
  5. The disable iff clause disables the property trigger when its expression is true. Add to the end of the existing test bench to verify this disabling feature. In your text file, indicate what period of simulation time corresponds to your added verification and briefly how you designed it.
  6. Add a second assertion, also disabled on reset, that checks that req is never high for more than 3 consecutive clock cycles (hint: implicitly this means req is eventually de-asserted). Give it an appropriate name and error message and add to the end of the test bench to verify its behavior.
    • Make sure that long chains of req being high (e.g., 231-261 ns of the original test bench) only fail your assertion once.
    • You can find useful functions in Section 23.10 of the .

Problem 2

  1. Open problem2.txt (files) and copy everything into the test bench textbox in a new project in EDA Playground. Uncheck the "Open EPWave after run" box. We are not covering SystemVerilog classes in depth, but a few things to note that might help your understanding of this code:
    • A program is basically a module for verification.
    • The one-argument constructor uses this to differentiate between its argument and the class property, both of which have the name size.
    • A task is a more general function that uses ports instead of arguments and a return value. Tasks may also include timing statements.
    • A function specifies its return value by assigning to the name of the function OR by using the return keyword.
  2. Because the class is defined inside of the program, it is within scope. Run the code and you should see the expected output:
       # Payload : b8 26 66 b6 c6
       # Size of packet 5
  3. Cut the class out of the program and paste it into the design textbox. Run the code again to see an error on the line with new(). The program can no longer see the class definition!
  4. Add the line `include "design.sv" (no semi-colon) to the top of testbench.sv. This will copy the text of the included file directly where you place it. Run the code and you should see the expected output.
  5. Now comment out or delete the include line. Wrap a package definition (e.g., package pack;) around the class definition. Run the code now and the scoping error should be back.
  6. Add the line import pack::packet; to import the class definition from your package. Try placing this line in different parts of the code (e.g., inside or outside the program, above or below the handle definition) to see what works and what doesn't.
  7. Inside of your package, create another class called packet_buf to represent a circular buffer of 4-byte packet objects, whose specifications follow. It is recommended that you take liberal inspiration from the packet class.
    • Its properties should include a buffer [array of packets], the size of the buffer [byte], and a read pointer [byte].
    • It should have a one-argument constructor that specifies the size of the buffer and then initializes all of its elements (packets of size 4).
    • Define functions/tasks next, which advances the read pointer by one, read, which returns the packet currently pointed to in the buffer, and print_buf, which prints the indices and contents of the entire buffer.
  8. Add to the test program to instantiate a packet_buf of size 3, call print_buf, and then use next and read to print out every packet individually, including the first one twice (to verify circular behavior).

Problem 3

  1. Open problem3.txt (files) and copy everything into the design textbox in a new project in EDA Playground. Uncheck the "Open EPWave after run" box. This is the beginning of a class that represents 4-sided die of 5-bit prime numbers.
  2. Create an initial test bench program that instantiates a PrimeDie4 object and sets its random seed to 371. Then, in a repeat (30) block, it should randomize the object and call its display task (i.e., your output should show 30 different sets of randomized die faces).
    • Use an immediate assertion to check the return value of randomize. Upon failure, call $fatal with a first argument of 1 and appropriate message.
  3. Very likely, your generated die faces don't meet the class' specification – at least one of its sides may not be prime or the side values may not be unique. Add a new constraint called c_uniq that specifies that none of the 4 sides can have the same value.
  4. When you run the code now, you should fail your assertion! This is because the existing constraint c_bad conflicts with c_uniq. One benefit to defining multiple constraint blocks is that you can manually enable and disable them individually using the syntax <handle>.<constraint_name>.constraint_mode(<0/1>);. Leave the code for c_bad where it is, but disable it in your test bench before your call to randomize.
  5. Running your code should now produce 30 sets of unique die faces, but they're not all prime numbers! Make use of the given arrays prime_low[] and prime_high[] to create additional constraints that achieve the following behaviors:
    • s4 should be any of the values in prime_high[] with equal probability.
    • s2 and s3 should be any of the prime numbers in range with equal probability.
    • The probability of s1 being any of the numbers in prime_low[] should be three times higher than the probability of s1 being any of the numbers in prime_high[].
  6. The point of a die is to be rolled so now create a method called roll that will randomly pick a number between 1 and 4 and then return the value of the corresponding side (s1-s4).
  7. Modify your test bench so that each time you randomize your PrimeDie4, you roll that die 5 times and output the result (e.g., "Rolled a 3").
  8. Double-check that your program now outputs 30 different sets of unique prime numbers and 150 roll outcomes in total.

Submission Requirements

Due by the end of the deadline day, submit your solutions (e.g., EDA Playground URLs, text) in the provided text file hw6.txt (files) to .

  • At the end of your document, estimate how long you spent working on the homework and rate the difficulty on the following scale:
    Very Hard — Hard — Moderate — Easy — Very Easy
  • Double-check that your hw6.txt contains the requested responses as well as 3 different EDA Playground links to PUBLIC projects.

Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria
Autograder file check
1 pt
Problem 1
  • Implication change (part c)
  • Assertion message change (part d)
  • Test bench additions (parts e and f)
12 pts
Problem 2
  • Code split (part f)
  • packet_buf implementation (part g)
  • Updated test bench (part h)
10 pts
Problem 3
  • Random seed set
  • Constraints written for c_uniq, c_bad, s1-s4
  • roll method implemented
  • Code outputs 30 sets of die + 5 rolls
13 pts
Time spent and difficulty
2 pts
38 pts