HW 3: Buffers and ASM

Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Due Date
Friday, April 19, 2024 at 11:59 pm

Homework Files

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Problem 1

You are provided (files) with three SystemVerilog files that implement the FIFO buffer shown below (fifo.sv, fifo_ctrl.sv, reg_file.sv) and an empty test bench (fifo_tb.sv).

Figure 1: Diagram of provided FIFO buffer implementation (fifo.sv) that consists of a register file (reg_file.sv) and controller (fifo_ctrl.sv) that use the same read and write port widths.

In some applications, the widths of the write port and read port of a FIFO buffer are not the same. For example, a subsystem may write 16-bit data into the FIFO buffer and another subsystem only reads and removes 8-bits of data at a time.

Assume that the width of the write port is twice the width of the read port. Once written, the upper half (i.e., most significant bits) of the data should be read before the lower half.

  • Redesign the FIFO with a modified controller and register file and verify its operation. The DATA_WIDTH parameter should be the width of the read port.
  • Briefly explain your approach: describe at a high level the changes you made to the code and how you verified that it works correctly. Be sure to provide your simulation results.

Problem 2

An ASM chart is shown below.

  • Draw the equivalent state diagram. You do not need to include the states' binary encodings on your diagram.
Figure 2: Arbitrary ASM chart for Problem 2. Note that each state has both its name ("S_#") and binary encoding ("bbb") given but you may ignore the binary encoding.

Problem 3

The ASM chart for Example #4 from Lecture 5 is reproduced below.

Figure 3: Arbitrary ASM chart for Problem 3 that utilizes both Mealy and Moore outputs.
  • Implement the ASM chart and a thorough test bench in the provided files hw3p3.sv and hw3p3_tb.sv (files).
    • Do NOT modify the given port names, including both spelling and capitalization.
    • Make sure to use both ps and ns as state signals.
    • You should simulate the test bench to verify the expected behavior, but do not need to submit a screenshot or explanation of the simulation.
  • Describe/explain the difference in timing between the Moore and Mealy outputs. How do the ASM blocks help indicate the timings?
  • In your opinion, how does tracing an ASM chart compare to tracing an FSM diagram?

Submission Requirements

Due by the end of the deadline day, submit your solutions (e.g., text, diagrams, screenshots, work) as a single PDF file ending in .pdf (all lowercase) to .

  • Include the requirements listed in the .
  • At the end of your document, estimate how long you spent working on the homework and rate the difficulty on the following scale:
    Very Hard — Hard — Moderate — Easy — Very Easy
  • As separate files, upload your commented SystemVerilog files (.sv), including test benches.
    • fifo.sv
    • reg_file.sv
    • fifo_ctrl.sv
    • fifo_tb.sv
    • hw3p3.sv
    • hw3p3_tb.sv

Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria
Autograder file check
1 pt
Problem 1
  • Modified buffer should work in "normal" situations as well edge cases (e.g., empty, full)
  • Applicable situations should be shown and pointed out in simulation
  • Design decisions should be explained
14 pts
Problem 2
8 pts
Problem 3
  • Implementation and simulation (autograded)
  • Three responses: a description/explanation, a question response, and an opinion
12 pts
Time spent and difficulty
2 pts
37 pts