Problem 1
Specify the minimum size (i.e., number of words and
number of bits per word) of separate ROMs that will accommodate the
truth tables for the following combinational circuit components.
Assume the output will be as wide as is needed to represent the
largest possible result (no truncation).
- A binary multiplier that multiplies two 4-bit binary words.
- A 3-bit adder-subtractor.
Problem 2
The following questions may depend on each other and are intended to
be done in order:
- How many 4 Mi × 16 RAM chips are needed to provide a total memory
capacity of 64 Mi-bytes?
- How many address bits are needed for our larger,
64 Mi-byte-memory assuming the same word size as the individual
- How many of the address bits are connected to
each RAM chip?
- How many of the address bits must be decoded for
the chip select (i.e., how many are needed for us to know
which RAM chip we need to access)?
Specify the size of the decoder.
Problem 3
You are given (files) two different
implementations of a 4-bit sign-and-magnitude adder: (1) a
SystemVerilog module found in and (2) a
corresponding ROM table found in truthtable4.txt.
These operations can be tricky to interpret at first because you're
so used to Two's Complement arithmetic.
First interpret both inputs' values in sign-and-magnitude, add the
two values together, and then attempt to encode the result back into
If the result can't be properly represented, we call this
arithmetic overflow.
- Complete the testbench in for an
instance of sign_mag_add named dut1 with
output signal sum.
Make sure that you include different test cases that cover at least
the following situations:
- Some number + 0
- pos + neg = 0
- pos + neg > 0
- pos + neg < 0
- pos + pos (valid)
- pos + pos (overflow)
- neg + neg (valid)
- neg + neg (overflow)
- Modify the following code (provided for you in to instead work with the data found in
truthtable4.txt (which you should open to view).
If you open truthtable4.txt in Quartus, don't add
the file to your project.
module sync_rom (input logic clk,
input logic [3:0] addr,
output logic [6:0] data);
// signal declaration
logic [6:0] rom [0:15];
// load binary values from a dummy text file into ROM
$readmemb("data.txt", rom);
// synchronously reads out data from requested addr
always_ff @(posedge clk)
data <= rom[addr];
endmodule // sync_rom
$readmemb argument shown (
uses a
relative path.
If you encounter the following warning in ModelSim (memory will
also show up as all
X's and a red line):
"# ** Warning: (vsim-7) Failed to open readmem file
"data.txt" in read mode."
Solution: Replace the argument with the
path (
- Add an instance of sync_rom named
dut2 with output signal data in your
testbench from Part A alongside dut1 and verify that they
produce the same behavior in ModelSim when passed the same
inputs simultaneously.
- Depending on when you change the inputs in your test bench,
you should see a timing difference of 0-1 clock cycle between
the outputs of the two.
- Submit your modified code files, but you do not need to
include a screenshot of your simulation in your submission PDF.
- Compare the resource usage of these two
Synthesize in Quartus with and then as your top-level module.
Find the "Resource Usage Summary" page in the Compilation
Report and compare the number of ALMs and memory bits
used (omission means 0).
Include this comparison in your submission PDF.
Problem 4
Let's examine a 4×4 RAM module as shown below.
- The R/W input is 1 for writing and 0
for reading.
- A1A0 forms the two-bit address
that selects which word is read out to Dout.
In the following parts, draw out a memory diagram by adding/using
wires, gates, and plexors (i.e., multiplexors or
The clock inputs are not shown, but should be assumed to be present
and connected correctly.
- Complete the diagram below for an implementation of the 4×4 RAM
as a register file.
The en inputs to the registers are enable signals
(i.e., the register will update when en=1 and
remain the same when en=0).
- Construct an 8×8 memory diagram using the given
4×4 RAM as a building block.
Hint: how will the inputs and outputs differ for a 8×8 RAM compared
to the 4×4 RAM block diagram shown above?