HW 1: FSM and SystemVerilog Review

Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Due Date
Monday, April 1, 2024 at 11:59 pm

Homework Files

Starting a Project

You can (1) start from a copy of an existing project folder from EE271 or CSE369 or (2) watch the following video on how to .

Helpful Project Files

The use of these are optional, depending on your preferred workflow. Versions of these should have been provided in EE271 and CSE369.

  • (to launch ModelSim from the directory instead of through Quartus)
  • (to script the ModelSim commands for simulation)

Code for this Homework

For .sv files, you may want to right-click and save/download instead of clicking.


Problem 1

A sequential circuit has two inputs, x and y, and one output, S. It consists of a full-adder circuit connected to a D flip-flop, as shown in the following diagram.

  • Draw out the state diagram of this circuit. Don't forget a reset state.
  • Implement modules hw1p1 and hw1p1_tb, which thoroughly simulates an instance of hw1p1 called/named dut.
    • Make sure that hw1p1 contains intermediate signals Q and C.
    • Use the names clk and reset (all lowercase) for your clock and reset signals.
  • Only light code commenting required; no waveform needed in your submission PDF.

Problem 2

The state diagram shown describes a Mealy finite state machine.

  • Implement modules hw1p2 and hw1p2_tb, which thoroughly simulates an instance of hw1p2 called/named dut.
    • Make sure to use both ps and ns as state signals.
    • Use the names clk and reset (all lowercase) for your clock and reset signals and in and out for your input and output signals.
  • Only light code commenting required; no waveform needed in your submission PDF.

Problem 3

This SystemVerilog code describes a finite state machine.

  • Draw out the state diagram for the FSM.
module fsm (clk, reset, a, b, y);

   input  logic clk, reset, a, b;
   output logic y;

   enum logic [1:0] {S0, S1, S2, S3} state, nextstate;

   always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
      if (reset) state <= S0;
      else       state <= nextstate;

      case (state)
         S0: if (a ^ b) nextstate = S1;
             else       nextstate = S0;
         S1: if (a & b) nextstate = S2;
             else       nextstate = S0;
         S2: if (a | b) nextstate = S3;
             else       nextstate = S0;
         S3: if (a | b) nextstate = S3;
             else       nextstate = S0;

   assign y = (state == S1) | (state == S2);

endmodule  // fsm

Problem 4

Consider the functionality of the following two SystemVerilog modules.

  • Sketch the hardware each one implies. Then replace every <= assignment with = in both modules and sketch the new hardware that each one implies.
  • Your submission should cover four situations in total.
module circuit1 (clk, a, b, c, y);

   input  logic clk, a, b, c;
   output logic y;
   logic x;

   always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
      x <= a & b;
      y <= x | c;
   end  // always_ff

endmodule  // circuit1
module circuit2 (clk, a, b, c, y);

   input  logic clk, a, b, c;
   output logic y;
   logic x;

   always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
      y <= x | c;
      x <= a & b;
   end  // always_ff

endmodule  // circuit2

Submission Requirements

Due by the end of the deadline day, submit your solutions (e.g., text, diagrams, screenshots, work) as a single PDF file ending in .pdf (all lowercase) to .

  • Include the requirements listed in the .
  • At the end of your document, estimate how long you spent working on the homework and rate the difficulty on the following scale:
    Very Hard — Hard — Moderate — Easy — Very Easy
  • As separate files, upload your commented SystemVerilog files (.sv), including test benches.
    • hw1p1.sv
    • hw1p1_tb.sv
    • fullAdder.sv (if you used it)
    • hw1p2.sv
    • hw1p2_tb.sv

Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria
Autograder file check
1 pt
Problem 1
  • FSM diagram
  • Implementation and Simulation
11 pts
Problem 2
  • Implementation and Simulation
10 pts
Problem 3
  • FSM diagram
5 pts
Problem 4
7 pts
Time and Difficulty
2 pts
36 pts