CSE370 Handout #1
First week: Course Introduction and Overview

Instructor: Chris Diorio cse370-instructor@cs
TA: Miguel Figueroa cse370-TA@cs

Reading: Katz pgs. 650–661, 241–248, 1–27
Questions: A dialog in class is wonderful…please ask questions, especially if you don’t understand why we are doing something

First homework assignment: Handout Friday 10/3; due Friday 10/10

CSE370 web: http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/370/CurrentQtr/

Add yourself to the CSE370 mailing list: Send mail to majordomo@cs.washington.edu. The mail's contents should include the line "subscribe cse370." You should receive back a message saying "welcome"


Lectures: MWF 8:30-9:20am, MEB 242
Assignments: Due Fridays, at the beginning of class, in MEB 242
Biweekly Quizzes: Fridays, in MEB 242
Final Exam: None. Makeup exam for excused absences Monday, Dec. 15, 8:30 a.m.
Workload 1. Reading: We will cover most of the Katz text. The reading will be assigned with the homework.
2. Assignments: Nine problem sets, to be solved without and with the use of computer-aided design tools. These assignments may include design projects that span two or more weeks.
3. Class Exams: Five in-class quizzes (20-30 minutes per quiz).
4. Final exam: None. There will be a makeup quiz for excused absences during finals week.
5. Spending an hour or two each day on the homework will maximize your efficiency
Grading 50%: 9 weekly assignments
50%: 5 quizzes
We will grade all your assignment and quizzes numerically, 20 points per assignment, 40 points per quiz. At the end of the term, we will drop your lowest assignment and quiz grades, sum the total remaining points, normalize the sum, and assign a final numeric grade. See the web page for details.

Weekly Assignments

The weekly assignments are due at the beginning of class on the assigned due date. Assignments handed in during or immediately after class will incur a 10% penalty. We will not accept assignments after we have left the classroom. See the web page for details about missed assignments.

Unless specifically stated otherwise, collaboration on homework is encouraged, provided (1) You spend at least 15 minutes on each and every problem alone, before discussing it with others, and (2) You write up each and every problem in your own writing, using your own words, and understand the solution fully. Copying someone else's homework is cheating, as is copying the homework from another source (prior year's notes, etc.). The quiz problems will be very similar to the homework problems; if you truly understand the homework, then the quizzes will be easy. If you have copied the homework...

More Stuff: See the web page