CSE370 Assignment 6

Distributed: 4 November
Due: 13 November


Chapter 6 (pp.282-313) and Chapter 7 (pp. 329-337) of the Katz text.


  1. Create a new symbol for a 4-bit adder. This time specify it directly in ABEL. Make sure to include a carry-in and a carry-out. Take advantage of ABEL's arithmetic specification capabilities, that is, use the '+' arithmetic operator in your specification.
    Turn in ABEL file and simulation waveforms (for 7 + 1, 5 + 10, and 6 + 10).
  2. Design an 8-bit carry-select adder for unsigned numbers. It should be designed hierarchically at the schematic diagram level and include 3 copies of the 4-bit adder block you designed in the previous exercise. Compare the delay of the adder for the worst case 11111111 + 00000001 to the delay of a ripple-carry adder.
    Turn in schematic file and simulation waveforms (for -1 + 1 (the worst case delay), 127 + (-128), and -37 + 38).
  3. Design an 8-bit ALU for the processor you will be completing by the end of the quarter. The numbers will be represented in 2s complement form. You should design this ALU using ABEL to specify each of two 4-bit slices (a low-order nibble and a high-order nibble) and then using a schematic to put two copies together and add any extra logic needed. You can use a simple ripple-carry adder (so that you can use ABEL's arithmetic). Also, think of ways of organizing your ALU so that the two ALU nibbles use the same symbol and hence, the same ABEL file.

    The ALU has 3 control signals that specify 1 of 8 functions. The data input signals should be labelled a[7:0] and b[7:0] (with a[7] and b[7] being the high-order bits), the data output signals should be labelled c[7:0], the control input signals should be labelled s[2:0], there are four other outputs: carry-out, equal-to-zero, overflow, and less-than-zero. These last three outputs are simple combinational functions.

    Control        Function          Comment
    000            C = 0             zero
    001            C = A             pass A
    010            C = B             pass B
    011            C = A xor B       bit-wise XOR of A and B
    100            C = A + 1         increment A
    101            C = A - 1         decrement A
    110            C = A + B         add A and B
    111            C = A - B         subtract B from A
    The carry-out and overflow should be valid for all arithmetic operations. Equal-to-zero and less-than-zero should be valid after all operations.

    Turn in schematic file and simulation waveforms for the following cases:
    Operation   A        B
    000         1        2
    001      -128       65
    010         5       10
    011        15       30
    100        79       65
    101         0        1
    110        -1        1
    111         7        8
  4. Katz exercise 6.11(a, b, c, d) (pg. 324).
  5. Katz exercise 6.12(a, b, c, d) (pg. 324).


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