CSE370 Questions for Course Evaluation
Form A course evaluation:
- The course as a whole was: (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair,
Poor, Very Poor)
- The course content was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- The instructor's contribution to the course was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- The instructor's effectiveness in teaching the subject matter
was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Course organization was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Clarity of instructor's voice was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Explanations by instructor were: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Instructor's ability to present alternative explanations when
needed was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Instructor's use of examples and illustrations was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Quality of questions or problems raised by instructor was:
- Student confidence in instructor's knowledge was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Instructor's enthusiasm was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Encouragement given students to express themselves was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Answers to student questions were: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Availability of extra help when needed was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Use of class time was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Instructor's interest in whether students learned was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Amount you learned in the course was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Relevance and usefulness of course content were: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Evaluative and grading techniques (tests, papers, projects,
etc.) were: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Reasonableness of assigned work was: (E,VG,G,F,P,VP)
- Clarity of student responsibilities and requirements was:
Relative to other college courses you have taken:
- Do you expect your grade in this course to be: (Much Higher,
_, _, Average, _, _, Much Lower)
- The intellectual challenge presented was: (MH,_,_,Avg,_,_,ML)
- The amount of effort you put into this course was: (MH,_,_,Avg,_,_,ML)
- The amount of effort to succeed in this course was: (MH,_,_,Avg,_,_,ML)
- Your involvement in this course (doing assignments, attending
classes, etc.) was: (MH,_,_,Avg,_,_,ML)
- On average, how many hours per week have you spent on this
course, including attending classes, doing readings, reviewing
notes, writing papers and any other course related work? (Under
2, 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-17, 18-19, 20-21,
22 or more)
- From the total average hours above, how many do you consider
were valuable in advancing your education? (Under 2, 2-3, 4-5,
6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-17, 18-19, 20-21, 22 or more)
- What grade do you expect in this course? (A 3.9-4.0, A- 3.5-3.8,
B+ 3.2-3.4, B 2.9-3.1, B- 2.5-2.8, C+ 2.2-2.4, C 1.9-2.1, C- 1.5-1.8,
D+ 1.2-1.4, D 0.9-1.1, D- 0.7-0.8, E 0.0, Pass, Credit, No Credit)
- In regard to your academic program, is this course best described
as: (in your major?, in your minor?, a distribution requirement?,
a program requirement?, an elective?, other?)
Additional items (use only if directed):
- leave blank (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
- leave blank (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
- leave blank (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
- leave blank (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
- leave blank (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
- leave blank (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
- leave blank (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
- leave blank (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
- leave blank (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
- leave blank (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
- leave blank (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
- leave blank (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
- How did you like the homework grading scheme of 0,.25,.50,.75, and 1? (0-hated it, 9-loved it)
- Do you think the TA graded fairly? (0-absolutely unfair, 9-with the wisdom of the ages)
- What did you think of the assignment solution sets? (0-terrible, 9-great)
- How much use did you make of the assignment solution sets? (0-none, 9-lots)
- Were the assignments graded promptly enough? (0-very slowly, 9-very quickly)
- How did you like the quiz grading scheme of 0 to 10? (0-hated it, 9-loved it)
- Do you think the quizzes were graded fairly? (0-absolutely unfair, 9-with the wisdom of the ages)
- What did you think of the quiz solutions? (0-terrible, 9-great)
- How much use did you make of the quiz solutions? (0-none, 9-lots)
- Were the quizzes graded promptly enough? (0-very slowly, 9-very quickly)
- What did you think of use of e-mail archives for messages to the class? (0-didn't like it, 9-loved it)
- How were the responses to your e-mail questions? (0-worthless, 9-very useful)
- What did you think of the course web? (0-useless, 9-great)
- What did you think of the transparencies used for lecture? (0-hated them, 9-loved them)
- Were handouts of the notes for each lecture useful? (0-no, 5-maybe, 9-yes)
- What did you think of the course text (Katz)? (0-hated it, 9-loved it)
- Did you read the assigned chapters in the text? (0-no, 5-sometimes, 9-all the time)
- Are you more interested or less interested in hardware design after taking this class? (0-much less now, 5-about the same, 9-much more)
- Would recommend this course to fellow students? (0-never, 9-absolutely)
- Was the experience in this course worthwhile to your education? (0-waste of time, 9-quite enriching)
- Did you like the room in which the course was scheduled? (0-no, 9-yes)
- How often did you fall asleep in lecture? (0-all the time, 9-never)
- Was the course what you expected? (0-not at all, 9-pretty much)
Student comments (yellow sheet):
- Was this class intellectually stimulating? Did it stretch your thinking?
- What aspects of this class contributed most to your learning?
- What aspects of this class detracted from your learning?
- What suggestions do you have for improving the class?
Comments to: cse370-webmaster@cs.washington.edu (Last Update: