CSE 370 FPGA In-Out Pins
In-Out Pins on FPGA
The In-Out Pins you see running along the bottom of your board are directly
connected to your FPGA. You can read more about these pins on Altera's
website here:
DE1 Specifications. You probably remember hooking Switches, Keys, and
LEDs up to these In-Out Ports. This is because your FPGA came pre-loaded with
a program that directed the Switches, Keys, and LEDs to these ports. However,
now that you are programming the FPGA yourself, the In-Out Ports are no
longer mapped which means you can map them however you like with your .qsf
file. Below is a table which describes the In-Out Port Pin, and the
functionality of the In-Out Port based on the pre-loaded FPGA program.
The table below is in order from the right side of the board to the left.
The first half 18 PINS on the left side of the table, and the second half of the
18 PINs on the right side of the table. If you haven't guessed already, the sticker
stuck next to the little holes is your I/O Map. The sticker is there to tell you
which little hole goes to what. The Pins is part of the internal structure, don't
worry about it for now.

The In-Out Pins
Pin | Intial Function | | Pin |
Intial Function |
PIN_L18 | LEDG0 | | PIN_C22 |
None |
PIN_L19 | LEDG1 | | PIN_C21 |
None |
PIN_K20 | LEDG2 | | PIN_B20 |
None |
PIN_J18 | LEDG3 | | PIN_A20 |
None |
PIN_J20 | LEDG4 | | PIN_B19 |
KEY0 |
PIN_J19 | LEDG5 | | PIN_A19 |
KEY1 |
PIN_K22 | LEDG6 | | PIN_B18 |
KEY2 |
PIN_K21 | LEDG7 | | PIN_B18 |
KEY3 |
PIN_J22 | LEDR0 | | PIN_B17 |
SW0 |
PIN_J21 | LEDR1 | | PIN_A17 |
SW1 |
PIN_G22 | LEDR2 | | PIN_B16 |
SW2 |
PIN_G21 | LEDR3 | | PIN_A16 |
SW3 |
PIN_F22 | LEDR4 | | PIN_B15 |
SW4 |
PIN_F21 | LEDR5 | | PIN_A15 |
SW5 |
PIN_E22 | LEDR6 | | PIN_B14 |
SW6 |
PIN_E21 | LEDR7 | | PIN_A14 |
SW7 |
PIN_D22 | LEDR8 | | PIN_B13 |
SW8 |
PIN_D21 | LEDR9 | | PIN_A13 |
SW9 |
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