CSE370 Laboratory Assignment 5
Case Studies in Combinational Logic
Distributed: Friday, April 20, 2007
Due: End of lab session
In this laboratory assignment you
will use your combinational logic skills to design and implement
two of the case studies from Chapter 5 of the textbook. You
will create a Telephone Keypad Decoder (pg 227) and also syntesize 4-bit
adder/subtractor that you constructed in Lab 3 into a PAL.
Special Notes:
1) This lab contains many details that MUST be correct for the everything to
work so please pay close attention to the instructions. When something is not
working read the instructions a second or third time to make sure
you have completed every step properly. We recommend that you
read all the instructions before starting to implement the circuit to make
sure you understand where you are headed and the special notes you will need
along the way.
2) Unfortunately, the PAL synthesis tools can not currently complete
synthesis and implementation of a circuit if the gates from lib370
are used in the creation of the circuit. The PAL synthesis tools can complete
synthesis and implementation if the circuit is constructed with verilog
code and Active-HDL's built-in symbols/gates. Please make sure your 4-bit
full adder consists of only built-in gates. Otherwise, you won't be able to
synthesize it into a PAL.
3) This laboratory assignment has TWO checkoff points instead of the normal
single checkout at the end.
Modules you will use from previous labs:
Your 4-bit full adder design from Lab #3
In Part 1 of the lab you will take your 4-bit adder/subtractor implementation
from Lab3 and will wire it up on a prototyping board using a PAL.
Create a CTL file to specify which pins the inputs and
outputs of your 4bit adder/subtractor should be assigned to on the PAL
chip. Here is a description of how
to create a CTL file.
Synthesize your 4bit adder/subtractor into a PAL. Make sure
you include the correct files (and exclude the others) and
select the correct top level module in the synthesis options before you
synthesize. Also make sure you include your custom CTL file for pin
You will find that the tools will not be able to implement this circuit to
the PAL since it runs out of product terms. How many product terms does it
need? How many product terms does the 22V10 have? This happens because the
tools try to compile the functions into 2-level circuits, and this
requires way too many product terms.
To solve this problem you will need to adjust the synthesis options.
In the Tech Mapping tab of the Options button, change the Node Cost from the
default, which is 10, to 1. This
forces the compiler to be less aggressive about "flattening" your design into a
2-level implementation and, as a result, to keep the ripple-carry adder as the
multi-level circuit that you want. After you complete the synthesis and
implementation of your circuit on to the PAL, test it using
switches for input, and LEDs for output. Unfortunately, there are 9 inputs and
only 8 switches. Use all 4 switches for A's input and 4 switches for B's
input. Use BTN1 as the input to AddSub. NOTE: LED8 is tied directly to SW8
so when you change the value of SW8 when testing, LED8 will also change.
Demonstrate your 4-bit adder/subtractor to a TA to receive credit for Part 1.
You should get checked off before moving on to Part 2.
There are two types of keypads that will be used in the lab please note the
differences. One keypad is a standard 12 key telephone keypad that
has 8 pins (pins: 1 common pin, 4 row pins, 3 column pins). The second keypad
has 16 keys that include the normal 12 keys on a telephone key pad plus buttons
for A, B, C, and D (pins: 1 common pin, 4 row pins, 4 column pins). Notice the
only difference is that there is an extra column pin for the extra column
of buttons (A, B, C, and D). The keypads should have a black arrow drawn on
them pointing you to the common pin.
The first step is to wire up the keypad so that you can identify which
pins correspond to which row/column. The diagram below shows how the column/row
buttons should be wired. Please refer to section 5.3 for further details on how
the keypad works. NOTE: The lab's implementation will differ from the
textbook's implementation - in the case of this lab, a button's logic
value will go from HIGH to LOW when pressed. This means you need to
identify which row and column are at a logic LOW to detect which button
was pressed.

Notice the pull up resistor and capacitor that are connected to the Column/Row
pin. These are required for debouncing of the signal from the button. As the
switch is not perfect, it will "bounce" between HIGH and LOW and may fool your
circuit into thinking a button has been pressed multiple times. The
resistor/capacitor provide a way to "slow down" the signal so that the bouncing
doesn't affect it. Read pp. 562-564 of the text for a more detailed description
of the debounding problem and solution.
Place the keypad in the breadboard and place a resistor pack in parallel
with the keypads column/row pins so that you connect the
resistor pack to the column/row pins. DO NOT connect the common pin of the
keypad to the resistor pack. Connect the common pin of the keypad to ground.
Connect the pin marked by the dot in the resistor pack to Vcc.
Add the capcitors with one lead of the capictor attached to ground and the
other connected to a column/row pin.

Use your logic probe to identify which of the keypad's pins
correspond to which row and/or column so you can wire the PAL to the
appropriate column/row pin.
Write a program in verilog to decode which key is being pressed and output a
binary representation of the key pressed. ( 0 through 9, * should correspond to
10, # should correspond to 15). The program should also contain an output that
is true if only one button is pressed and false if multiple buttons have been
pressed. (See section 5.3 in CLD-II) Skeleton Code for
Create a CTL file to specify which pins the inputs and
outputs of your telephone keypad decoder should be assigned to on the PAL
chip. Here is a description of how
to create a CTL file.
Synthesize your keypad decoder (written in verilog) for the PAL. Make sure
you include the correct files (and exclude the others) and
select the correct top level module in the synthesis options before you
synthesize. Also make sure you include your custom CTL file for pin
Wire up the inputs of your decoder PAL to the keypad and the outputs to 5 LEDs.
Demonstrate your telephone keypad decoder to a TA to receive credit
for Part 2.
Lab Demonstration/Turn-in Requirements:
This lab requires two seperate demonstrations for
Demonstrate your 4-bit adder/subtractor from Part 1.
Demonstrate your telephone keypad decoder from Part 2.
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