Lectures &
Office Hours
CSE 370 Spring, 2007

Instructor: Bruce
Hemingway (bruceh@cs )
Office hours: MW 1:30-2:20, or by appointment
Office: Allen Center, CSE 464
Lecture: MWF 10:30-11:20pm, WFS 201
- Section AA: Tues.
9:30a.m.-12:20 p.m., CSE 003
- Section AB:
Wed. 3:30-6:20pm, CSE 003
- TA: Patrick Carroll- (patcar@cs )
- Office
hour: Monday 4:30-6:30, in CSE 002
- TA: Josh Snyder
( snydej@cs ),
- Office hours:
Thursday 3.30-5:30AM, in CSE 003
- TA: Firat Kiyak- (frtkyk@cs ), --- Anything
related to Labs
- Office hours:
Monday 11.30-1.00,
or by an appointment in CSE 003
- TA: Stefan Bach (stefbach@cs ),
Questions/Concerns/Complaints/… regarding the Homework
- Office hours: Mon. 11:30
– 1:20, CSE 218
or anytime when I’m in CSE 302
Comments to: cse370-webmaster@cs.washington.edu