CSE370 Assignment 1
Distributed: 4 January 2006
Due: 09 January 2006
- Katz/Borriello, Contemporary
Logic Design 2e, Chapter 1 (pp. 1-27)
- Katz/Borriello, Contemporary
Logic Design 2e, Chapter 2 - sections 2.1 through 2.2 (pp. 33-46)
- Katz/Borriello, Contemporary
Logic Design 2e, Appendix A - section A.1 through A.3 (pp. 511-520)
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- CLD2e, A.1, parts a, b, e, f,
h, i.
- CLD2e, A.2, parts a, and i.
- CLD2e, A.4, parts b, and f.
- CLD2e, A.7, parts a, and f.
- CLD2e, A.8, parts a, and f.
- CLD2e, 1.3 and 1.4 (all
- (Based on CLD2e 1.18) You must design a circuit that turns on the lights in a room, based on the position of three switches. Call the switches A,B, and C and the output function (the light) Z. Assume that input A is 1 if switch A is on, and 0 otherwise. Use truth tables to show the function Z in each of the following scenarios:
- The light is on if (and only if) all three switches are on.
- The light is on if two or more switches are on
- The light is on if one or more switches are on
- CLD2e, 2.1
- CLD2e, 2.2, parts b, and d.
- CLD2e, 2.6, parts b, and d.
- CLD2e, 2.8, parts b, and c.
- CLD2e, 2.10, parts e, and f.
- To review number systems.
- To gain familiarity with some
of the basic concepts in digital logic.
Comments to: cse370-webmaster@cs.washington.edu