1.3 Encoding a deck of cards:
Observe that the cards come in groups of 13 (suit). Therefore each card has 2 values that distinguish it: suit (Hearts,Clubs,Diamonds,Spades) and value (Ace,2,...,King). Since the suit can be one of four values, we need 2 bits to encode the suit (0, 1, 2, 3 assigned to clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades, respectively). The value ranges from 1 to 13 (1=ace, 2, 3, ... , 10, 11=jack, 12=queen, 13=king). Values of 0, 14, and 15 are unused. This encoding requires 6 bits:
V3 V2 V1 V0 S1 S0
1.4.a Using the deck encoding scheme shown above, encode the jack of diamonds
The diamond suit is numbered 1 and the jack is the card with value 11. Its encoding with this scheme is 1011 concatenated with 01 to yield 101101 or:
V3 and V2' and V1 and V0 and S1' and S0