CSE370 Homework 1

Distributed: January 05, 2004
Due: January 09, 2004


  1. Katz/Borriello, Contemporary Logic Design, Chapter 1
  2. Katz/Borriello, Contemporary Logic Design, Appendix A


    Familiarize yourself with the CSE 370 web pages. Make sure you have a CSE account and can login to the machines in the instructional labs - especially AC 003 (Baxter Lab). Subscribe to the course mailing list so that you can access e-mail discussions among our community.

  1. The written assignments (such as this one) account for what percentage of the final grade? How long should you spend on each homework problem before discussing it with others?
  2. CLD-II, Appendix A, problem 1, parts b, d, and g.
  3. CLD-II, Appendex A, problem 2, parts c, and h.
  4. CLD-II, Appendix A, problem 4, parts c, and d.
  5. CLD-II, Appendix A, problem 7, parts d, and e.
  6. CLD-II, Chapter 1, problems 1.10 and 1.12.


Comments to: cse370-webmaster@cs.washington.edu