CSE370 Assignment 4

Distributed: 22 October 2004
Due: 29 October 2004


For problems 1 and 2, you may print the ROM, PLA and PAL worksheets or the worksheet which has all three on one page.

1. Use the accompanying worksheets to implement the following set of functions using a ROM, a PLA and a PAL.  That is, use a ROM to implement all three functions, then a PLA to implement all three, and finally a PAL.  For the PLA, try to reduce the number of AND gates you use.
Make sure you identify your solutions.

f1(a,b,c,d) = a’d + bd + a’bc
f2(a,b,c,d) = ad + b’d + a’bcd’
f3(a,b,c,d) = ac’ + a’c + bcd


2. Use the ROM, PLA and PAL worksheets to implement the following set of functions, represented using the SOP shorthand.  Again for the PLA, try to reduce the number of AND gates you use.

f1(a,b,c,d) = m(8, 4, 12, 14, 13) + d(10, 6)
f2(a,b,c,d) = m(10, 12, 14) + d(6)
f3(a,b,c,d) = m(10, 4, 11, 13, 15) + d(9, 7)


3. Using Active-HDL, implement a 4-16 decoder using five 2-4 decoders. You will find a test fixture here. Hand in the schematic for your circuit plus the test results of the simulation.

4. Using Active-HDL, implement a 16-1 multiplexor using five 4-1 multiplexors.  You will find a test fixture here. Hand in the schematic for your circuit plus the test results of the simulation.

5. Using Active-HDL, design and test an 8-bit shifter circuit that implements the C/Java >> (arithmetic shift right) operation.  The circuit has two inputs: an 8-bit data input and a 3-bit shift amount input.  The 8-bit output value is the input, shifted right by the shift amount.  (This implements divide by a power of 2.) Make sure your circuit works for both positive and negative numbers (2's complement representation).  Here are some example inputs and outputs:




00100100 (36)

010 (2)

00001001 (9)

00100100 (36)

101 (5)

00000001 (1)

11101100 (-20)

001 (1)

11110110 (-10)

11101100 (-20)

010 (2)

11111011 (-5)

10000000 (-128)

011 (3)

11110000 (-16)

10000000 (-128)

111 (7)

11111111 (-1)

You will find a test fixture here. Hand in the schematic for your circuit plus the test results of the simulation.



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