Week 1: Introduction
HTML for 1-7 1-9
PPT for 1-7
1-9 1-11
Week 2: Combinational
logic and K-map
HTML for 1-14 1-16
PPT for 1-14
1-16 1-18
Week 3: Design examples and multi-level logic
HTML for 1-23 1-25
PPT for 1-23
Week 4: Timing, Multiplexers, PLA and PAL
Week 5: Design examples and adders
Week 6: HDL's and Intro. to Sequential Logic
Week 7: Sequential Logic
HTML for 2-22
PPT for 2-22
Week 8: Counters and FSM's
Week 9: FSM: implementation and optimization
Week 10: Digital hardware systems