CSE370 Workload, Grading, and Policies
The course comprises the following elements:
Lectures: There are 30 lectures. I plan to follow the book
fairly closely. Where I diverge from the book, I will hand out
supplementary material such as lecture notes.
Sections: There are 9 section meetings during the quarter. We will
use this time to review the lecture material, do sample problems, demonstrate
the design tools, and answer questions. Once you choose a section,
you should stick with it.
Reading: The schedule will give the pages from the textbook
that we will cover in each lecture. The presentation in the lectures
and text should complement each other. It will be helpful for you to
read the relevant pages before lecture, even though you may not
understand everything.
Assignments: There will be an assignment handed out each week,
typically on Wednesday, due the following Friday at the beginning
of class. These assignments will include both problems from the
book and design problems to be solved using the CAD tools
(Active-HDL). These will lead to a project involving the design of a
simple processor.
Quizzes Four in-class quizzes (20 minutes per quiz) will be
given at the end of class every other Friday. We will drop the lowest
quiz score, which allows you to miss a quiz without penalty. Only in rare
cases we will allow quizzes to be made up.
Final exam: There will be the usual two-hour final exam at the
end of the quarter. We will schedule this exam so that all students
will take it at the same time.
We will try to ensure that the workload is typical for a
four-credit course: Namely, eight to ten hours per week outside of the
lectures. If we do not succeed, please let us know.
We have structured the course so that spending an hour
or two per day will maximize your efficiency. You will work this way in
the real world—you cannot cram a three-month design assignment into the
last night—so you may as well work this way now. Plus, you will understand
the material better. If you leave the homework for Thursday night, then
you will not have time to study for the quizzes, and you will not have
time to ask questions when (not if) the software misbehaves.
Software tools frequently consume more time then they should. We
have designed the assignments to get you up to speed gradually (over
the period of a few weeks), but undoubtedly there will be some
start-up cost. Essentially, you are learning a language, a compiler,
and getting familiar with a process. Every tool imposes a certain
model: Your frustration can be high until you assimilate that model
and learn to use it. Be sure to use the tutorials, and do not spend
countless hours making no progress. Ask for help. We will spend some
of the office hours in the lab so that you can get immediate help.
Your assignments must be neat and legible. We will not spend time
trying to decipher messy work. If we can't read your work, we can't
grade it. As you learn the tools, you may want to use them to draw
schematics turn in.
Your weekly assignments are due at the beginning
of class on the assigned due date. Assignments handed in during or
immediately after class will incur a 10% penalty. We will penalize
your assignment 10% per day for each additional day late. Since the
due date is almost always Friday, assignments handed in during the
weekend will be penalized 20%, on Monday, 30%, etc. We do not accept
partial turnins, i.e. assignments completed on the installment plan.
See the class schedule for assignment due
dates and times.
We will post solutions for the assignments in a timely fashion.
Please review the assignment solutions carefully before questioning
a grade with either the instructor or the teaching assistants.
If you miss an assignment as a result of unavoidable circumstances,
send the instructor a one-line email asking for an extension, the reason
for your request, and the date you anticipate handing in the assignment.
You know which circumstances are avoidable and which are unavoidable.
If you have a reasonable but avoidable reason for requesting
an extension, send email to the instructor at least 24 hours before the
assignment is due, citing a reason for the extension as above. Assume the
extension is granted, unless the instructor responds to the contrary. Avoidable
extension requests made after the assignment is due will generally be rejected.
We will compute your course grade as follows:
50%: Weekly assignments
30%: Biweekly quizzes
20%: Final exam
Your grade will be determined by how well you understand the
material as evidenced by the assignments and tests. I would like
nothing better than to give the entire class a 4.0
Homework: Unless specifically stated otherwise, we
encourage collaboration on homework, provided (1) You spend at least 15
minutes on each and every problem alone, before discussing it with others,
and (2) You write up each and every problem in your own writing, using
your own words, and understand the solution fully. Copying someone else's
homework is cheating (see below), as is copying the homework from another
source (prior year's notes, etc.). The quiz problems will be very similar
to the homework problems; if you truly understand the homework, then the
quizzes will be easy. If you have copied the homework...
Quizzes: A quiz is a short exam—no collaboration
or discussion is permitted. If you have a question during a quiz,
ask the instructor. Quizzes and exams will typically be open book,
open notes.
Cheating is a very serious offense. If you are caught cheating,
you can expect a failing grade and initiation of a cheating case in the
University system. Basically, cheating is an insult to the instructor,
to the department and major program, and most importantly, to you. If you
feel that you are having a problem with the material, or don't have time
to finish an assignment, or have any number of other reasons to cheat,
then talk with the instructor. Just don't cheat.
To avoid creating situations where copying can arise,
never e-mail or post your solution files. You can post general questions
about interpretation and tool use but limit your comments to these categories.
If in doubt about what might constitute cheating, send the instructor email
describing the situation.
Comments to: cse370-webmaster@cs.washington.edu