Here is a basic run down of Verilog in designworks, I realize this isnt
very comprehensive, but it should be enough to get you started.
- Open Dev Editor
- Choose Subcircuit Part Type->Primative->Other...->47
- Draw block diagram or use auto-generate to create part representation with pins
- Rename pins and set state to be input or output (Do this by double-clicking on the pin
name on the left-hand side of the dev editor window).
- Save the part.
- Place part in a test circuit
- Double click on the part
- The window that pops up is call the DVM window (Designworks Verilog Modeler).
Choose File->Generate Template then Edit from the DVM window.
- Choose a location and name for the file (file name should have a .v extention) using the
Browse button in the window that poped up.
- Choose Download to file
- Write the verilog code.
- Your code will be compiled whenever you close the text window assocated with with the part
and the code or whenever you choose compile from the DVM pop up window.
- Clicking on the >> arrow in the DVM window and choosing "Show input ports" and "Show
output ports" will show the values of the input and output ports in the DVM window. Internal
variables are shown automatically I believe.
- The source code should always be "in sync", to check this, choose "Status of Source/File"
from the file menu in the DVM window.
- The default location for the verliog code is on the C: Drive, please save your code in
your own director.