Lab 3: Buffer Overflows?|?d??|?d?Segmentation fault: 11

Assigned: Monday, October 31, 2022
Due Date: Friday, November 11, 2022 at 11:59 pm
Video(s): Watch this before you begin!
You may also find this helpful as you work with GDB throughout the lab.


Learning Objectives:

  • Label and describe the utility of different parts of a x86-64 stack frame
  • Understand and explain what decisions are made at compile time and what modifications/decisions can occur when the program runs.
  • Given a program, students are able to examine and execute x86-64 assembly instructions and use gdb commands (set and use breakpoints, print register values, etc.).
  • Provide examples of several types of buffer overflow exploits and explain how they can affect a program.

This assignment involves applying a series of buffer overflow attacks on an executable file called bufbomb (for some reason, the textbook authors have a penchant for pyrotechnics).

Code for this lab

Terminal: wget
Unzip: Running tar xzvf lab3.tar.gz from the terminal will extract the lab files to a directory called lab3 with the following files:
  • bufbomb - The executable you will attack
  • bufbomb.c - The C code used to compile bufbomb (You don't need to compile it)
  • lab3synthesis.txt - For your synthesis questions responses
  • Makefile - For testing your exploits prior to submission
  • makecookie - Generates a "cookie" based on some string (which will be your username)
  • sendstring - A utility to help convert between string formats

Lab 3 Instructions

Lab Format

You have been provided a vulnerable executable called bufbomb that we will perform a few variants of buffer overflow attacks on. The vulnerability comes from reading a string from standard input with the function getbuf():

unsigned long long getbuf() {
   char buf[36];
   volatile char* variable_length;
   int i;
   unsigned long long val = (unsigned long long)Gets(buf);
   variable_length = alloca((val % 40) < 36 ? 36 : val % 40);
   for(i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
      variable_length[i] = buf[i];
   return val % 40;

Don't worry about what's going on with variable_length, val, and alloca(); all you need to know is that getbuf() calls the function Gets() and returns some arbitrary value.

The function Gets() is similar to the standard C library function gets()– it reads a string from standard input (terminated by '\n') and stores it (along with a null character) at the specified destination. In the above code, the destination is an array buf that has space for 36 characters. Neither Gets() nor gets() have any way to determine whether there is enough space at the destination to store the entire string. Instead, they simply copy the entire string, possibly overrunning the bounds of the storage allocated at the destination.

If the string typed by the user to getbuf() is no more than 36 characters long, no buffer overflow occurs and the program proceeds as written, with getbuf() returning a value less than 40 = 0x28 because of the modulus. For example:

$ ./bufbomb
Type string: howdy doody
Dud: getbuf returned 0x20

The actual value returned might differ for you, since Gets() returns its argument, which is the stack address of buf. This value will also differ depending on whether you run bufbomb inside gdb or not.

Typically, an error occurs if we type a longer string:

$ ./bufbomb
Type string: This string is too long and it starts overwriting things.
Ouch!: You caused a segmentation fault!

As the error message indicates, overrunning the buffer typically causes the program state (e.g., the return addresses and other data stored on the stack) to be corrupted, leading to a memory access error. Your tasks for this lab is to be more clever with the strings you feed bufbomb so that it does more interesting things. These are called exploit strings.

Your Exploit Strings

Formatting requirements and sendstring

Your exploit strings will typically contain byte values outside of the printable ASCII character range. The program sendstring will help you generate these raw strings by taking a hex-formatted text string and printing the converted binary string to standard output. In a hex-formatted text string:

  • Each byte value is represented by two ASCII hex digits (e.g., "5e" – letters can be upper or lowercase).
  • Byte values are separated by spaces (e.g., "30 48 5e").
  • Non-hex digits (i.e., anything outside of the ranges 0-9, A-F, and a-f) are ignored.
  • Do not ever use the byte value 0x0A, since this is the ASCII code for newline ('\n'). When Gets() encounters this byte, it will assume you intended to terminate the string and won't use your full exploit string.

sendstring will read each byte and convert it into the corresponding ASCII character (see or run man ascii for a full table). For example, if we stored the text "30 48 5e" in a file called ex.txt, then running it through sendstring would produce the following output:

$ ./sendstring < ex.txt

because 0x30'0', 0x48'H', and 0x5e'^' according to the ASCII table.

Generating binary files and bufbomb

We will need to store the output of sendstring to a file so we can use it with bufbomb within gdb. Assuming that you used your text editor of choice to save your hex-formatted text string in exploit.txt (we'll rename these based on the name of the level you're working on), the following command will store the output of sendstring to the file exploit.bytes:

$ ./sendstring < exploit.txt > exploit.bytes

The choice of file extension .bytes is arbitrary but is intended to remind you that this is a binary file (as opposed to a text file). It doesn't really make sense to open *.bytes files in a text editor, as non-printable characters will show up in weird ways. You will only be submitting the *.txt files.

Now you can pass the binary exploit string to bufbomb from within gdb as follows:

$ gdb bufbomb
(gdb) run -u netid < exploit.bytes


To test each exploit individually, follow the commands above to generate your .bytes file and pass it into bufbomb within gdb. Each exploit uses a different name for the files.

For example, Level 0 is called "smoke" so you would write your hex-formatted text string in a text editor into the file smoke.txt and then run the following commands:

$ ./sendstring < smoke.txt > smoke.bytes
$ gdb bufbomb
(gdb) run -u netid < smoke.bytes

The individual levels are explained below in the Exploits section, including what the explected output text is on success. You should also make sure that you do not encounter a segfault.


You can also test all your exploits at once by running make from within the lab3 directory, which will output a summary of their success.

  • This relies on you having your UWNetID in UW_ID.txt.
  • Naming is very important here: this will specifically look for smoke.txt, fizz.txt, bang.txt, and dynamite.txt and, if found, run them through sendstring and gdb.
  • You do NOT need to have all of the levels completed before using make; it will skip any of the levels that are not found.

Generating Byte Codes

Using gcc as an assembler and objdump as a disassembler makes it convenient to generate the byte codes for instruction sequences.

  1. Write a file containing your desired assembly code. For example, suppose we have the following example.s (recall that anything to the right of a '#' character is a comment):

    # Example of hand-generated assembly code
    movq $0x1234abcd,%rax    # Move 0x1234abcd to %rax
    pushq $0x401080          # Push 0x401080 onto the stack
    retq                     # Return

    Refer back to course material for how to construct valid assembly instructions and how to distinguish between different types of operands. Lots of students make mistakes here that can be difficult to debug, as the assembler does not always produce an error when you might expect it to.

  2. Assemble and disassemble this file.

    $ gcc -c example.s
    $ objdump -d example.o > example.d
  3. Open/view the generated file example.d to see the following lines:

       0:    48 c7 c0 cd ab 34 12     mov    $0x1234abcd,%rax
       7:    68 80 10 40 00           pushq  $0x401080
       c:    c3                       retq

    Each line shows a single instruction:

    • The number on the left indicates the starting address (starting with 0).
    • The hex digits after the ':' character indicate the byte codes for the instruction, with byte positions increasing from left-to-right (e.g., the byte c7 is at "address" 1, the byte 12 is at "address" 6.
    • The right column is the interpreted assembly instruction from the bytes. If this does not match your hand-written assembly, this likely indicates a syntax error.

    Thus, we can see that the instruction pushq $0x401080 has a hex-formatted byte code of 68 80 10 40 00. If we read off the 4 bytes starting at address 8 we get: 80 10 40 00. This is a byte-reversed version of the data word 0x00401080. This byte reversal represents the proper way to supply the bytes as a string, since a little-endian machine lists the least significant byte first.

  4. Construct the byte sequence for the code from the disassembly:

    48 c7 c0 cd ab 34 12 68 80 10 40 00 c3

The Exploits

Level 0: Smoke

The function getbuf() is called by a function test() on Line 108. When this call to getbuf() executes its return statement, the program ordinarily resumes execution within test().

Your task is to get bufbomb to return to a different function, smoke() (Line 62), from getbuf() instead of test(). You will supply an exploit string that overwrites the stored return address in getbuf()'s stack frame with the address of the first instruction in smoke(). When supplied with a correct exploit string, you should see the following output:

Smoke!: You called smoke()

Smoke Hints:

  • All the information you need to devise your exploit string for this level can be determined by examining a disassembled version of bufbomb.
  • The placement of buf within the stack frame for getbuf() depends on which version of gcc was used to compile the exectuable. You will need to pad the beginning of your exploit string with the proper number of bytes to overwrite the return pointer. The values of these bytes can be arbitrary.
  • Be careful with byte ordering (i.e., endianness) so that the corrupted return address is read correctly.
  • You can use gdb to step the program through the last few instructions of getbuf() to make sure that it is doing the right thing. You can also print out the data in the stack (the x command) to see the change.

Level 1: Fizz

There is another function called fizz(), which compares one of its arguments (val) against your cookie. Similar to Level 0, your task is to get bufbomb to return to fizz() from getbuf() instead of test(). However, you must also get your exploit string to change the value of val to your cookie by encoding it in the appropriate place. When supplied with a correct exploit string, you should see the following output:

Fizz!: You called fizz(<your cookie value>)

Fizz Hints:

  • Which argument number/position is val? How/where is this argument passed in x86-64 and how can you use your exploit string to change this argument?
  • Note that the output from fizz() prints out val, if you are having issues with byte ordering or byte shifts. We do highly recommend using gdb to step through the return from getbuf() and print out the data in the stack (the x command) to verify behavior instead of brute forcing things.

Level 2: Bang

A much more sophisticated form of buffer attack involves supplying a string that encodes actual machine instructions (i.e., a "code injection" attack). The exploit string then overwrites the return address with the starting address of these instructions. When the calling function (in this case getbuf()) executes its ret instruction, the program will start executing the instructions on the stack rather than returning. With this form of attack, you can get the program to do almost anything. The code you place on the stack is called the exploit code. For this style of attack, you must get machine code onto the stack and set the return pointer to the start of this code.

There is another function called bang(), which compares a global variable (global_value) against your cookie. Your task is to get bufbomb to execute the code for bang(). However, you must set global_value to your cookie before reaching bang(). To do this, your exploit code should set global_value, push the address of bang() on the stack, and then execute a retq instruction to cause a jump to the code for bang(). When supplied with a correct exploit string, you should see the following output:

Bang!: You set global_value to <your cookie value>

Bang Hints:

  • You will need the addresses of global_value and buf, which can be determined using the print command within gdb.
  • Refer to the Generating Byte Codes section for how to get the bytes that correspond to your desired assembly instructions to put into your exploit string.
    • Watch your use of memory address modes when writing assembly. For example, movq $0x4, %rax moves the value 0x0000000000000004 into register %rax, whereas movq 0x4, %rax moves the value at memory location 0x0000000000000004 into %rax, i.e., 0x4 is being interpreted as the D field in memory addressing mode D(Rb,Ri,S).
    • The movq instruction cannot directly move an 8-byte immediate (e.g., $0x0123456789ABCDEF) to a memory location. There are multiple ways to achieve this desired behavior, such as first moving it to a register before moving to the memory address.
    • Do not attempt to use either a jmp or a call instruction to jump to the code for bang(). These instructions use PC-relative addressing, which is very tricky to set up correctly. Instead, push an address on the stack and use the retq instruction.
    • Note that the generated byte code depends on your hand-written assembly code as well as the compiler you used. To verify that they are being interpreted properly, you can use the command x /<#>i <addr> in gdb to print out the contents of memory starting at the address expression <addr> until it interprets <#> assembly instructions. Any discrepancies between the interpretation and your original code might indicate a syntax error in the assembly or a mismatch in the compiler used to generate the byte code.
    • To verify that the exploit code does what you expect/intend it to, you should use gdb to step through it line-by-line after the ret in getbuf().
  • Make sure that your exploit string works (1) on the CSE Linux environment, (2) within gdb, and (3) with your correctly spelled (and lowercase) UWNetID.

Level 3: Dynamite  [Extra Credit]

Our preceding attacks have all caused the program to jump to the code for some other function, which then causes the program to exit. As a result, it was acceptable to use exploit strings that corrupt the stack, overwriting the saved value of register %rbp and the return address. The most sophisticated form of buffer overflow attack causes the program to execute some exploit code that patches up the stack and makes the program return to the original calling function (test() in this case), meaning that the calling function is oblivious to the attack! For this style of attack, you must: (1) get machine code onto the stack, (2) set the return address to the start of this code, and (3) undo the corruptions made to the stack state.

Look at the test() function, the one that calls getbuf(). Your task for this level is to supply an exploit string that will cause getbuf() to return your cookie back to test(), rather than the value 1, all while not corrupting important stack values. To do this, your exploit code should set your cookie as the return value, restore any corrupted state, push the correct return location onto the stack, and execute a ret instruction to really return to test. When supplied with the correct exploit string, you should see the following output:

Boom!: getbuf returned <your cookie value>

Dynamite Hints:

  • All of the hints from Level 2 still apply, except you will need to find the saved value of %rbp on the stack instead of global_value.
  • In order to overwrite the return address, you must also overwrite the saved value of %rbp. However, it is important that this value is correctly restored before you return to test(). You can do this by either (1) making sure that your exploit string contains the correct value of the saved %rbp in the correct position, so that it never gets corrupted, or (2) restore the correct value as part of your exploit code. You'll see that the code for test() has some explicit tests to check for a corrupted stack.
  • Remember that test() is "still executing" while your exploit string does its thing. What does it mean for a function to still be executing in regards to the stack memory? Remember that test() needs to find everything as it left it when it resumes.

Food for Thought

execve is system call that replaces the currently running program with another program inheriting all the open file descriptors. What are the limitations of the exploits you have performed so far? How could calling execve allow you to circumvent this limitation? If you have time, try writing an additional exploit that uses execve and another program to print a message.

Lab 3 Synthesis Questions

Start with a fresh copy of lab0.c again and go to part_2() to change the second argument to the first call to fill_array so that you see the message "Segmentation fault" when you run part 2:

$ wget
$ gcc -g -std=c18 -fomit-frame-pointer -o lab0 lab0.c
$ ./lab0 2
*** LAB 0 PART 2 ***
Segmentation fault

Examine the contents of memory in GDB to figure out what happened and answer the following questions:

  1. In your own words, explain the cause of this specific segmentation fault. What value gets corrupted and why it causes segmentation fault? Which assembly instruction causes the segmentation fault to occur at the moment it is executed? (Please be specific: give the name of the instruction as well as the name of the function where it is found.)  [3 pt]
  2. It turns out that you can figure out when you will get a segfault in part_2 just by looking at the assembly code! There are a few instructions that contribute to determining the limit on the second argument to fill_array. Name two of the most relevant instructions in part_2, including their addresses in the form "<function+#>" as you see in GDB. What is the purpose of each of these instructions? What is the minimum length needed to cause a segmentation fault? (Please briefly explain the calculation you did to find the minimum length.)  [4 pt]
  3. Someone claims that creating array on the Heap would remove the possibility of segmentation faults. Do you agree? Briefly explain why or why not.  [2 pt]


You will submit: UW_ID.txt, smoke.txt, fizz.txt, bang.txt, and lab3synthesis.txt.

Submit your files to the "Lab 3" assignment on . Don't forget to add your partner, if you have one.
If you completed the extra credit, also submit dynamite.txt and UW_ID.txt to the "Lab 3 Extra Credit" assignment.