Lab 1b: Data Representation in C

Friday, October 7, 2022
Due Date
Monday, October 17, 2022 at 11:59 pm


Learning Objectives:

  • Comfortably represent data in binary and hex.
  • Identify and recognize what a bit mask and operator does.
  • Extract useful information from bits using bit manipulation.
  • Recognize differences in C data types and use C casting.
  • Comfortably use pointers and arrays in C.
  • Understand and explain relation between pointers and arrays in C.

You will interact with a custom data representation for keeping track of things in a store, implementing functions using bitwise operators, pointers, and arrays.

Code for this lab

Running tar xzvf lab1b.tar.gz from the terminal will extract the lab files to a directory called lab1b.

Lab 1b Instructions

Lab Format

This lab uses a custom data representation of aisles in a store. aisle_manager.c and store_client.c have skeleton functions for you to implement, each with a comment describing its desired behavior.

You will start by implementing functions that use bitwise operators, bitmasks, and C control structures to manage an individual aisle. After implementing these functions, you will move onto functions that use pointers, arrays, and your aisle functions to manage multiple aisles in a store. We have provided two test programs to help you check the correctness of your work (see Checking Your Work for more details).


This isn't a programming course and we generally won't be checking your style. However, for this lab we will do a quick check for the following items, with the intent of helping you avoid introducing unnecessary bugs. This will be worth just 1 point and is intended to be relatively stress-free.

  • Magic numbers: You should not hard-code constants in your code when you can define and (re)use macros to give them meaningful names and consistent values.
  • Function usage: You should use defined functions when appropriate, especially the get_* and set_* functions.

Aisle Manager

Start by reading the description of an aisle's data representation at the top of aisle_manager.c. Make sure you fully understand the layout of the representation before continuing. If you have any questions, please post on the message board or come to office hours.

Once you understand the data representation, you can begin to implement the skeleton functions in aisle_manager.c:

  • get_section
  • get_spaces
  • get_id
  • set_section
  • set_spaces
  • set_id
  • toggle_space
  • num_items
  • add_items
  • remove_items
  • rotate_items_left
  • rotate_items_right

Do not be discouraged by the number of functions! They build gradually in level of difficulty, and many of them are similar to each other. Here's one recommended way of working through the file:

  1. Start by filling in the macros at the top of the file with various bitmasks to be used later.
  2. Continue by implementing the get_* and set_* functions.
  3. Finish by implementing the rest of the functions related to manipulating the items in an aisle.

At this point you should be able to pass all tests in the aisle_test executable! Now you can move onto store_client.c.

Store Client

store_client.c has some functions for interacting with a group of aisles and a stockroom in the store. Pay particular attention to its use of global arrays: (1) of type unsigned long to represent multiple aisles and (2) of type int to represent a stockroom for the store (items stowed away that are not in the aisles).

Skeleton functions:

  • refill_from_stockroom
  • fulfill_order
  • empty_section_with_id
  • section_with_most_items

At this point you should be able to pass all tests in the store_test executable! This means you are done with the programming part of the assignment (don't forget about the synthesis questions!).

Checking Your Work

We have included the following tools to help you check the correctness of your work:

  • The functions print_binary_long and print_binary_short take an unsigned long and unsigned short, respectively, and output its binary representation. These are optional to use but can be useful in debugging your code. All calls to these functions should be removed from your final submission. Here is an example usage of print_binary_long (print_binary_short works similarly except it takes an unsigned short as its argument):
    void print_binary_example(unsigned long* argument) {
      // Print out binary view of argument for debugging.
      // The type of argument is unsigned long*, so we
      // must pass its dereference to print_binary_long.
  • You can also use printf to debug your functions, but you'll have to add #include <stdio.h> at the top of your file. All calls to printf should be removed from your final submission.
  • aisle_test and store_test are programs that check the functional correctness of the code in aisle_manager.c and store_client.c, respectively.

    To test all of the functions, use the following commands:

    $ ./aisle_test
    $ ./store_test

    The test one function at a time, use the -f flag on the appropriate executable, e.g.:

    $ ./aisle_test -f set_id
    $ ./store_test -f section_with_most_items
    • aisle_test and store_test first test your solution on specific cases, and then on a wide range of inputs. As a manner of limiting the test output, for the range of inputs the testing program will only print out the first input that your solutions are incorrect for (or no input if you pass all cases).
    • There is some partial credit awarded if your function passes the specific cases but not the range of cases, and each function is tested separately to allow for the opportunity for partial credit should you only complete some of the functions.

Lab 1b Synthesis Questions

  1. Data representation: Your friend suggests an alternative data representation for sections in an aisle. In this representation, the lowest 8 bits would be used to store an integer representing the number of items in a section, and the upper 8 bits would be used to store a unique item id. Compared to our current representation, give at least three benefits and at least one drawback of this new representation.  [4 pt]
  2. Number representation: Consider the following two statements (noting that the type of y is purposefully omitted):
    • y = -1;
    • y = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    Is there a difference between using these two statements in your code? Explain. If there is a difference, make sure to provide an example.  [2 pt]
  3. Floating point: Explain why comparing two floating point numbers with == or != is problematic. The suggested equality alternative from lecture involved comparing the difference against a threshold value: what should be considered in choosing such a threshold?  [2 pt]


You will submit: aisle_manager.c, store_client.c, and lab1Bsynthesis.txt.

Submit your files to the "Lab 1b" assignment on . Don't forget to add your partner, if you have one.