Exercises 3 - Procedure Call
Out: Thursday January 27
Due: You will not hand in your answers.
Wednesday January 19, 11:59 PM
Answers Available: In class, Monday January 31
Turnin: None
Assignment Goal
There is a midterm next Wednesday, 2/2. The midterm will cover all course material (lectures, sections, assignments, and reading) up through Procedure Calls.
We haven't had a procedure call assignment. The exercises suggested here are a substitute, as preparation
for the midterm. You should try to do them before looking at the answers. (Problem answers not
in the book will be distributed during class on Monday.)
- Practice Problem 3.32, page 228. (Answer is in text at end of chapter.)
- Practice Problem 3.33, page 228. (Answer is in text at end of chapter.)
- Problems from end of Chapter 3: 3.54, 3.64