Morphic, Smalltalk-style
Squeak Morphic programming
Morphs in the class browser
1. Defining your own Morph
You’re done! But...
Alternate way to show instances
What’s the “world”?
Okay, but what’s a “world”?
2. Customizing your Morph
2(a). Morph drawing [2]
Graphical environments:A question
2(a) Drawing components [2]
2(a) Customized drawing [3]
Aside: a word about geometry
2(b) Custom event handling [1]
2(b) Custom event handling [2]
2(b) Custom event handling [3]
More about events...
3. Animating Morphs
4. Hierarchical composition
Hierarchical composition in Morphic
Composition, ct’d
Composition and delegation
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