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xctocc Types

These basic types are as in C++:

These type as similar to C++ types, with extended Scheme meaning:

When a type is followed by * *, then the type is interepreted as a modifiable (single) indirect value.

When a type is followed by ? ?, then the type is interepreted as a modifiable indirect value or a NULL pointer.

When a type is followed by & &, then the type is interpreted as call-by-reference (or return-by-reference).

When a type is followed by [] [], then the type is interpreted as an array; the value must be manually bundled and unbundled with macros.

A class name can be used, followed by either !, tex2html_wrap_inline1651 , or % %. ! indicates a pointer to an object, tex2html_wrap_inline1651 indicates a possibly NULL pointer, and % indicates a object passed by reference.

Any other valid C++ type can be used, but the value must be manually bundled and unbundled with macros.

An xctocc type is translated appropriately in the C++ glue code. For example, Long? becomes long * and MyClass% becomes MyClass&.

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