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Returns the currently active frame or dialog box, or else #f if there is none.

(mred:test:current-get-eventspaces proc)

Controls which eventspaces the mred:test:get-active-frame procedure checks to find the active frame.

The argument proc is optional. If it is present, it sets the get-eventspaces parameter. It must be a procedure of no arguments that returns a list of eventspaces. If the argument is not present, it returns the current procedure.


Returns the window with the keyboard focus, or else #f if there is none.

(mred:test:run-interval [msec])
msec :
an exact, non-negative integer

Returns or sets the minimum length of time that the primitive actions will wait before returning. The units are milliseconds.


Returns the number of primitive actions that have started but not yet completed. An error that has been caught but not yet reraised counts as an incomplete action. Thus, a result of zero implies that there is no pending error and no action is still running.


Reraises any pending error (and flushes the buffer), or else returns void.