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Running MrEd for the First Time

When MrEd starts up, a console window containing a Scheme read-eval-print loop appears. To evaluate an expression, type it after the prompt and hit return. Re-evaluate old expressions by moving the caret to the end of the expression and hitting return (or by using Meta-P from the current prompt). Evaluate a subexpression by hiliting it and hitting return. To stop evaluation, hold down ctl-shift-c (X Windows and Windows) or cmd-. (MacOS).

To open a text-editing window from the console, use the File tex2html_wrap_inline141416 New or File tex2html_wrap_inline141416 Open... menu items.

MrEd's language contains MzScheme (except that it is defaultly case-sensitive); the libraries core.ss and cmdline.ss have been loaded from MzLib, and all of the wx: and mred: names in described in this manual are present.

When MrEd starts up, it looks for a user-specific startup file as described in Startup Sequence. If such a file exists, it is loaded (as a Scheme file) before the console is opened. Preferences about the appearance and behaviour of MrEd can be set using the File tex2html_wrap_inline141416 Preferences... menu item.

MrEd needs at least these three directories to startup: the system collection directory, the mred collection directory, and the mzlib collection directory. These directories are usually in a collects directory within the distribution plt directory. More generally, a collection directory is found in any directory specified by the current-library-collection-paths MzScheme parameter (see library collections).