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Standard Keyboard and Mouse Mapping

Keyboard and mouse mappings are specified with instances of the toolbox class wx:keymap%. Each instance of mred:edit% contains a private keymap that is intialized by the following:

For information about key combination specifications, the implies-shift method, and the keymap error handler, see the documentation for wx:keymap% class.

Most keyboard and mouse mappings are inserted into a keymap by calling the keymap's map-function method. However, ``meta'' combinations require special attention. The ``m:'' prefix recognized by map-function applies only to the Meta key that exists on some keyboards. By convention, however, ``meta'' combinations can also be accessed by using ``ESC'' or ``c:['' as a prefix. Further, it may be useful to use a different modifier key for ``meta'' on platforms without a Meta key. Therefore, the procedure mred:send-map-function-meta is used to generalize meta combinations. This procedure takes a keymap, a base key specification, and a function name; it prefixes the base key with all ``meta'' combination prefixes, and installs the new combinations into the keymap. For example, (mred:send-map-function-meta keymap "a" func) might map all of ``m:a'', ``ESC;a'', and ``c:[;a'' to func. All of the prefixes used for ``meta'' are in the global list mred:meta-prefix-list.

The global keymap contains the following functions (in addition to the functions built into buffers (see the wx:keymap% class documentation.):

These functions are bound to the following keys (C = control, S = shift, A = alt, M = ``meta'', D = command):

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