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Selecting a Filename

The procedures mred:get-file and mred:put-file query the user for a filename; mred:get-file gets the name of an existing file, and mred:put-file gets the name for a new file. By default, mred:get-file and mred:put-file are bound to mred:std-get-file and mred:std-put-file, which implements the filename query using platform-specific dialogs. Platform-independent dialogs are available through mred:common-get-file and mred:common-put-file, which take the same arguments as their std counterparts.

The mred:common-get-file and mred:common-put-file dialogs keep a separate directory state (for starting in the same place as the previous dialog ended); this directory can be obtained with (mred:current-find-file-directory) or set to s directory dir with (mred:current-find-file-directory dir).

The procedure mred:common-get-file-list gets a list of filenames from the user using a platform-independent dialog. The arguments are the same as for mred:get-file and the result is either #f or a list of filenames.

All filenames returned by these procedures are normalized using mzlib's normalize-path.

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