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Frames and Dialogs

The classes mred:frame% and mred:dialog-box% are provided to prevent the end user of the panel resizing the window to a size which is too small to allow all of the objects in the window to be displayed. (Dialogs are, in fact, resizable under X Windows in conjunction with some window managers.)

In order for this to be possible, panels must be inserted into their frames. This is typically performed by the panel's initialization by calling the frame or dialog's insert-panel method. An error is signalled if a panel is inserted into a frame or dialog which is not its parent.

These classes also supply the force-redraw method, for the same purpose as in the panels and children. The frame and dialog's on-size method has been overridden to resize the window contents when the user resizes the window.

An error will be signalled if multiple panels are inserted into the same frame or dialog. See the next section for a description of how to create complex dialogs given this limitation.