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Many thanks to Julian Smart for wxWindows and his help. Thanks also to Brent Benson for libscheme, and to Hans Boehm and John Ellis for the conservative garbage collector and their help. MrEd would not be possible without these fine packages.

MrEd's geometry-management classes were developed by Richard Cobbe. The parenthesis-matching utilities and original hyper-text system were developed by Daniel Grossman. Thanks to both of them for excellent work. Many thanks to all of the members of PLT for spending lots of time banging their heads against bugs and generally helping clean things up.

Thanks also to Shriram Krishnamurthi, Cormac Flanagan, Matthias Felleisen, Gann Bierner, Richard Cobbe, Dan Grossman, Stephanie Weirich, Sebastian Good, Johnathan Franklin, Mark Krentel, Corky Cartwright, Michael Ernst, Kennis Koldewyn, Bruce Duba, and many others for feedback and help.

Some basic typesetting sources for this manual are taken from Reference Manual for wxWindows 1.60: a portable C++ GUI toolkit.