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Sets the keyboard focus owner within a buffer or globally.
If null is provided as the new owner, then the local focus is
moved to the buffer itself. Otherwise, the local focus is moved to the
specified snip.
The domain of focus-setting is one of
- wx:const-focus-immediate -- only set the focus
owner within the buffer
- wx:const-focus-display -- make this buffer
or the new focus owner get the keyboard focus among the buffers
in this buffer's view (if this is an embedded buffer)
- wx:const-focus-global -- make this buffer
or the new focus owner get the keyboard focus among all elements
in the buffer's frame
- (send a-wx:media-buffer set-caret-owner snip domain) -> void
snip : wx:snip% object or null
domain = wx:const-focus-immediate : small integer
Attempts to give the keyboard focus to snip.
If snip is null, then the caret is taken away from any
snip in the buffer that currently has the caret and restored to
this buffer.
If the keyboard focus is moved to snip and the buffer
has the real keyboard focus, the
own-caret method of the snip will be called.