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Inferred Value Names

To improve error reporting, names are inferred at compile-time for certain kinds of values, such as procedures. For example, evaluating the following expression:

  (let ([f (lambda () 0)]) (f 1 2 3)) 

produces an error message because too many arguments are provided to the procedure. The error message is able to report ``f'' as the name of the procedure. In this case, MzScheme decides, at compile-time, to name as f all procedures created by the let-bound lambda. Names are inferred whenever possible for procedures, units, classes, and interfaces.

(inferred-name v) returns a symbol for the name inferred for v if v has a name, #f otherwise. The argument v can be any value. When v is a primitive, inferred-name returns the same name as primitive-name (see section 4.10.2).