The unit/sig form creates a signed unit:
import-element is one of:
(identifier : signature)
renames is either empty or:
(rename (internal-variable signature-variable)
signed-unit-body-expr is one of:
(include filename)
(unit/sig signature
(import import-element
The signature immediately following unit/sig specifies the export signature of the signed unit. This signature cannot contain sub-signatures. Each element of the signature must have a corresponding variable definition in one of the unit-body-exprs, modulo the optional rename clause. If the rename clause is present, it maps internal-variables defined in the unit-body-exprs to signature-variables in the export signature.
The import-elements specify imports for the signed unit. The names bound within the signed-unit-body-exprs to imported bindings are constructed by flattening the signatures according to the algorithm in section
Each signed-unit-body-expr is either a regular expression or an include form. If a signed-unit-body-expr has the form (include filename), the content of the file named by filename is textually substituted into the unit/sig body in the place of the include clause. In particular, a single include clause can be replaced by any number of expressions from the included file.