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Object Example

Since most readers will be familiar with a other object systems, we begin with an example use of MzScheme's object system to illustrate its particular style.

  (define stack<%> (interface () push! pop! empty?))

  (define stack% 
    (class* null (stack<%>) ()
        [stack null]) ; A private instance variable
        [name 'stack] ; A public instance variable 
        [push! (lambda (v) 
                 (set! stack (cons v stack)))] 
        [pop! (lambda () 
               (let ([v (car stack)]) 
                  (set! stack (cdr stack)) 
        [empty? (lambda () 
                  (null? stack))] 
        [print-name (lambda () 
                      (display name) (newline))])))

 (define named-stack% 
   (class stack% (stack-name)
       [name stack-name])

 (define double-stack% 
   (class stack% ()
     (inherit push!) 
       [name 'double-stack]
       [double-push! (lambda (v) 
                       (push! v)
                       (push! v))])
     (sequence (super-init))))

 (define-values (make-safe-stack-class is-safe-stack?)
   (let ([safe-stack<%> (interface (stack<%>))])
      (lambda (super%)
        (class* super% (safe-stack<%>) ()
          (inherit empty?)
          (rename [std-pop! pop!])
            [name 'safe-stack]
            [pop! (lambda ()
                    (if (empty?) #f (std-pop!)))])
          (sequence (super-init))))
      (lambda (obj)
       (implementation? (object-class obj) safe-stack<%>)))))

 (define safe-stack% (make-safe-stack-class stack%))

The interface stack<%>[footnote] describes the usual stack implementation with push!, pop!, and empty? methods. The class stack%[footnote] implements this interface in the usual way. Three classes are derived from this basic implementation:

In each of these derived classes, the call (super-init) causes the bindings of the superclass's instance variables to be initialized when an instance of the derived class is initialized.

The creation of safe-stack% illustrates the use of classes as first-class values. Applying make-safe-stack-class to named-stack% or double-stack% -- indeed, any class with push, pop!, and empty? methods -- creates a ``safe'' version of the class. A stack object can be recognized as a safe stack by testing it with is-safe-stack?; this predicate returns #t only for instances of a class created with make-safe-stack-class (because only those classes implement the safe-stack<%> interface).

In each of the example classes, the instance variable name contains the name of the class. The name declarations in named-stack%, double-stack%, and safe-stack% override the declaration in stack%. Thus, when the print-name method of an object from double-stack% is invoked, the name printed to the screen is ``double-stack''.

While all of named-stack%, double-stack%, and safe-stack% inherit the push! method of stack%, it is declared with inherit only in double-stack%; this is because new declarations in named-stack% and safe-stack% do not need to refer to push!, so the inheritance does not need to be declared. Similarly, only safe-stack% needs to declare (inherit empty?).

The safe-stack% class overrides pop! to extend the implementation of pop!. The new definition of pop! must access the original pop! method that is defined in stack%. The rename declaration binds a new name, std-pop! to the original pop!. Then, std-pop! is used in the overriding pop!. Variables declared with rename cannot be overridden, so std-pop! will always refer to the superclass's pop!.

The make-object procedure creates an object from a class; additional arguments to make-object are passed on as initialization arguments. Here are some object creations using the classes defined above:

  (define stack (make-object stack%)) 
  (define fred (make-object named-stack% 'Fred)) 
  (define joe (make-object named-stack% 'Joe)) 
  (define double-stack (make-object double-stack%))
  (define safe-stack (make-object safe-stack%)) 

Note that an extra argument is given to make-object for the named-stack% class because named-stack% requires one initialization argument (the stack's name).

The ivar and send forms are used to access the instance variables of an object. The ivar form looks up a variable by name. The send form uses ivar to extract a variable's value, which should be a procedure; it then applies the procedure to arguments. For example, here is a simple expression that uses the objects created above:

  ((ivar stack push!) fred) ; or (send stack push! fred)
  (send stack push! double-stack)
  (let loop () 
    (if (not (send stack empty?)) 
          (send (send stack pop!) print-name) 

This loop displays 'double-stack and 'Fred to the standard output port.

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