A new structure type is created with one of two struct forms:
(struct s (field
where s and each field are identifiers. The latter
form is described in section 5.2.
(struct (s t-expr) (field
A struct expression with n fields returns 3+2n values:
The order of the return values from a struct expression is the same as in the list above, up and including to the setter procedure for the first field (if the structure type has any fields). If the structure type has more than one field, the selector for the second field is next, followed by the setter for the second field, and so on for additional fields.
The names make-s, etc. are only used by the return values of
struct for error-reporting. But these names are used as
binding variables by the define-struct and
let-struct macros:
(define-struct s (field
(define-values (struct:s make-s s? s-field set-s-field!
) (struct s (field
(let-struct s (field
(let-values ([(struct:s make-s s? s-field set-s-field!
) (struct s (field
Each time a struct expression is evaluated, a new structure type is created with distinct constructor, predicate, selector, and setter procedures. If the same struct expression is evaluated twice, instances created by the constuctor returned by the first evaluation will answer #f to the predicate returned by the second evaluation.
(define orig-cons-cell? cons-cell?)
(define-struct cons-cell (car cdr))
(define y (make-cons-cell 1 2))
(cons-cell? y) ; => #t
(cons-cell? x) ; => #f, cons-cell? now checks for a different type
(orig-cons-cell? x) ; => #t
(orig-cons-cell? y) ; => #f
(define-struct cons-cell (car cdr))
(define x (make-cons-cell 1 2))
(cons-cell? x) ; => #t
(cons-car x) ; => 1
(set-cons-car! x 5)
(cons-car x) ; => 5