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This Manual

The core of the Scheme programming language is described in Revised4 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme. This manual assumes familiarity with Scheme and only contains information specific to MzScheme. (Many sections near the front of this manual simply clarify MzScheme's position with respect to the standard report.)

MzScheme is fully R4RS-compliant, although built-in parameters can change some features affecting compliance. (For example, case-sensitivity can be enabled; see section MzScheme provides several notable extensions to R4RS Scheme:

MzScheme can be run as a stand-alone application, or it can be embedded within other applications (e.g., MrEd and DrScheme). This manual describes the language that is common to all uses of MzScheme. For information specific to the stand-alone version of MzScheme, run with the --help flag. (The documentation displayed by --help includes information about the program and argv global variables.)