The global variable null is bound to the empty list.
(reverse! list) is the same as (reverse list), but list is destructively reversed.
(append! list ) destructively appends the lists.
(list* v ) is similar to (list v
but the last argument is used directly as the cdr of the last
pair constructed for the list:
(list* 1 2 3 4) ; => (1 2 3 . 4)
The list-ref and list-tail procedures accept an improper list as a first argument. If either procedure is applied to an improper list and an index that would require taking the car or cdr of a non-cons-cell, the exn:application:range:list exception is raised.
The member, memv, and memq procedures accept an improper list as a second argument. If the membership search reaches the improper tail, the exn:application:range:list exception is raised.
The assoc, assv, and assq procedures accept an improperly formed asscociation list as a second argument. If the association search reaches an improper list tail or a list element that is not a pair, the exn:application:range:list exception is raised.