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Files: strings.ss, stringsu.ss, stringsr.ss, stringss.ss, stringsc.ss
Signature: mzlib:string^
Unit: mzlib:string@

(eval-string str [err-display err-result]) PROCEDURE

Reads and evaluates S-expressions from the string str, returning a result for each expression. Note that if str contains only whitespace and comments, zero values are returned, while if str contains two expressions, two values are returned.

If err-display is not #f (the default), then errors are caught and err-display is used as the error display handler. If err-result is specified, it must be a thunk that returns a value to be returned when an error is caught; otherwise, #f is returned when an error is caught.

(expr->string expr) PROCEDURE

Prints expr into a string and returns the string.

newline-string STRING

A string containing a single newline character.

(read-from-string str [err-display err-result]) PROCEDURE

Reads the first S-expression from the string str and returns it. The err-display and err-result are as in eval-str.

(read-from-string-all str [err-display err-result]) PROCEDURE

Reads all S-expressions from the string str and returns them in a list. The err-display and err-result are as in eval-str.

(regexp-match-exact? regexp str) PROCEDURE

This procedure is like MzScheme's built-in regexp-match, but the result is always #t or #f; #t is only returned when the entire string str matches regexp.

(string-lowercase! str) PROCEDURE

Destructively changes str to contain only lowercase characters.

(string-uppercase! str) PROCEDURE

Destructively changes str to contain only uppercase characters.