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Requiring Libraries and Files

Files: refer.ss, referc.ss
Requires: spidey.ss

This library provides syntatic forms that are needed to perform multi-file analysis with MrSpidey, DrScheme's static debugger.

(begin-construction-time expr) SYNTAX

Like begin-elaboration-time, this macro expands to the result of evaluating expr. This form is treated specially by compile-file (see section 15.2.4).

(require filename) SYNTAX

Loads filename with load/use-compiled. The only difference between require and load/use-compiled is that require is a syntactic form where filename must be a syntactic string constant.

(require-library-unit filename collection tex2html_wrap_inline12550 ) SYNTAX

Like require-unit, but require-library/proc is used instead of load/use-compiled. This form is not useful in MzLib since all MzLib libraries use signed units.

(require-library-unit/sig filename collection tex2html_wrap_inline12550 ) SYNTAX

Like require-unit/sig, but require-library/proc is used instead of load/use-compiled.

(require-relative-library-unit filename collection tex2html_wrap_inline12550 ) SYNTAX

Like require-unit, but require-relative-library/proc is used instead of load/use-compiled.

(require-relative-library-unit/sig filename collection tex2html_wrap_inline12550 ) SYNTAX

Like require-unit/sig, but require-relative-library/proc is used instead of load/use-compiled.

(require-unit filename) SYNTAX

Loads filename with load/use-compiled and checks that the result is a unit value; otherwise, the exn:unit:non-unit exception is raised. The result of loading the file is the result of the require-unit expression. The filename must be a syntactic string constant.

MrSpidey expects filename to contain a single expression. MrSpidey will only accept the program if the the expression in filename is closed except for MzScheme built-in names. MrSpidey must also be able to deduce that the value of the expression is a unit.

(require-unit/sig filename) SYNTAX

Like require-unit, except that the value returned by load/use-compiled must be a sighed unit; otherwise, the exn:unit:signature:non-signed-unit exception is raised.

MrSpidey will accept this form only when it is able to deduce that the value of the expression in filename is a signed unit.

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