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Files: mzlib.ss, mzlibu.ss, mzlibr.ss, mzlibs.ss, mzlibc.ss
Signature: mzlib^
Unit: mzlib@
Requires: see section 15.1

The mzlib^ signature is defined by:

  (define-signature mzlib^
    ((open mzlib:core^)
     (unit zmath@ : mzlib:zmath^)
     (unit print-convert@ : mzlib:print-convert^)
     (unit print-convert-hooks@ : mzlib:print-convert-hooks^)
     (unit date@ : mzlib:date^)
     (unit inflate@ : mzlib:inflate^)))

The mzlib@ unit implements this signature by linking the mzlib:core@ unit together with the non-[CORE] standard library units.