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Files: date.ss, dateu.ss, dater.ss, dates.ss, datec.ss
Requires: functios.ss
Opened form requires: functiou.ss
Signature: mzlib:date^
Unit: mzlib:date@, imports mzlib:function^

See also section 11.4.

(date->string date) PROCEDURE

Converts a date structure value (returned by MzScheme's seconds->date) into a string, using the current date display format.

(date-display-format [format]) PROCEDURE

Parameter that determines the date display format based on format, which can be any of 'american, 'chinese, 'german, 'indian, or 'irish. If format is not provided, the current format is returned instead.

(find-seconds second minute hour day month year) PROCEDURE

Finds the representation of a date in platform-specific seconds. The arguments correspond to the fields of the date structure. If the platform cannot represent the specified date, an error is signalled, otherwise an integer is returned.