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Dynamic Extensions

A dynamically-linked extension library is loaded into MzScheme with (load-extension filename). The separate document Inside PLT MzScheme contains information about writing MzScheme extensions. An extension can only be loaded once during a MzScheme session, although the extension-writer can provide functionality to handle extra calls to load-extension for a single extension.

As with load, the current load-relative directory (the value of the current-load-relative-directory parameter; see section is set while the extension is loaded. The load-relative-extension procedure is like load-extension, but it loads an extension with a pathname that is relative to the current load-relative directory instead of the current directory.

The load-extension procedure actually just dispatches to the current load extension handler (see section The result of calling load-extension is determined by the extension. If the extension cannot be loaded, one of the exn:misc:dynamic-extension exceptions is invoked.