An identifier macro is a macro that is not ``applied'' to
syntactic arguments. Instead, an identifier macro identifier is
directly replaced with its value whenever the identifier is in an expression
position. Identifier macros are defined with
(define-id-macro name value-expr)
The value-expr expression can evaluate to any value. When the
identifier name is encountered during compilation, it is
compiled as if the result of value-expr is in the place of
name. Like define-macro, identifier macros defined with
define-id-macro (at the top-level) are bound in the current
namespace, and local identifier macros are defined with
For example, the following expression uses x to automatically
unbox the value in b:
(let ([b (box 5)])
(let-id-macro x `(unbox b)
(display x) (newline)
(set-box! b 8)
(display x) (newline)))
Each use of x is replaced by (unbox b), so this
expression prints 5 and 8 to the current output
port. The x identifier is not a variable; (set! x 8)
is illegal, since this expands to (set! (unbox b) 8).
The value of the identifier macro x is the S-expression
'(unbox b). Leaving out the quote in defining x's value
is illegal:
(let ([b (box 5)])
(let-id-macro x (unbox b)
because the (unbox b) expression is evaluated at compile
time and is not in the scope of b.
(If b is a global variable bound to a box when the expression
is compiled, then the expression is legal and the global b
is used.)
As with let-macro, the let-id-macro form defines a local idenfifier macro and an embedded define-id-macro expression is transformed into a let-id-macro expression.
(id-macro? v) returns #t if v is an identifier macro created with define-id-macro, #f otherwise. Note that id-macro? cannot be applied directly to identifier macro identifiers, but identifier macro values can be obtained indirectly with global-defined-value.
A define-id-macro expression is treated specially by compile-file (see section 15.2.4).