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Machine Time

(current-milliseconds) returns the current ``time'' in fixnum milliseconds. This time is based on a platform-specific starting date or on the machine's startup time. Since the result is a fixnum, the value is only strictly increasing for a limited (though reasonably long) time.

(current-process-milliseconds) returns the amount of processor time that has been consumed by this MzScheme process so far in fixnum milliseconds. (Under Unix, this includes both user and system time.) The precision of the result is platform-specific, and since the result is a fixnum, the value is only strictly increasing for a limited (though reasonably long) time.

(current-gc-milliseconds) returns the amount of processor time that has been consumed by MzScheme's garbage collection so far in fixnum milliseconds. This time is a portion of the time reported by (current-process-milliseconds).