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File and directory paths are specified as strings. Since the syntax for pathnames can vary across platforms (e.g., under Unix, directories are separated by ``/'' while the Mac uses ``:''), MzScheme provides tools for portably constructing and deconstructing pathnames.

Most MzScheme primitives that take pathnames perform an expansion on the pathname before using it. (Procedures that build pathnames or merely check the form of a pathname do not perform this expansion.) Under Unix, a user directory specification using ``~'' is expanded.[footnote] Under MacOS, file and folder aliases are resolved to real pathnames. Under Windows, multiple slashes are converted to single slashes (except at the beginning of a shared folder name), and a slash is inserted after the colon in a drive specification (if it is missing). In a Windows pathname, slash and backslash are always equivalent (and can be mixed together in the same pathname).

A pathname string cannot contain a null character (#\nul). When a string containing a null character is provided as a pathname to any procedure except absolute-path?, relative-path?, complete-path?, or normal-case-path, the exn:i/o:filesystem:path exception is raised.

The pathname utilites are:

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