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The Type Language

The language of basic types in MrSpidey is defined as follows:

  type is one of:
     (constructor type  tex2html_wrap_inline1674  type) 
     (union type  tex2html_wrap_inline1674  type) 
     (rec ([set-variable type]  tex2html_wrap_inline1674 ) type) 
     (class [ivar type]  tex2html_wrap_inline1674 ) 
     (object [ivar type]  tex2html_wrap_inline1674 ) 

set-variable is: identifier

zeroary-constructor is one of: nil num sym str char void true false bool eof

constructor is one of: zeroary-constructor vec box promise mvalues iport oport Unary constructors cons Binary constructors define-structure-constructor user-defined-constructor

define-structure-constructor is: identifier

user-defined-constructor is: identifier

function-type is one of: (type tex2html_wrap_inline1674 type -> type) (type tex2html_wrap_inline1674 type *-> type) Rest argument (type tex2html_wrap_inline1674 type ->* type) Return value list (type tex2html_wrap_inline1674 type *->* type) Rest argument and return value list (lambda type type) same as (type *->* type)

type-abbreviation is one of: Abbreviates (MU set-variable type) (rec ([set-variable type]) set-variable) noarg nil (arg type type) (cons type type) (list type tex2html_wrap_inline1674 type) (cons type (cons tex2html_wrap_inline1674 (cons type nil))) (listof type) (MU l (union (cons type l) nil)) null nil bool (union true false) atom (union nil num sym str char bool) sexp (MU x (union atom (cons x x) (vec x)))

The behavior of primitive operations is defined using multiple-arity schemas. For each reference to a primitive operation, MrSpidey retrieves the corresponding multiple-arity schema and selects the schema appropriate for the number of arguments given to the primitive (or the last schema if the primitive is used in a higher-order manner). It then instantiates the schema by replacing the quantified set variables by set variables, and converts the resulting basic type into a constraint system. Multiple-arity schemas are defined as follows:

  multiple-arity-schema is one of:
     (case-> schema  tex2html_wrap_inline1674 )

schema is one of: type (forall (set-variable tex2html_wrap_inline1674 ) type)