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PLT is short for
The Programming Language Team at Rice University
. One goal of the PLT is to produce
high-quality development environments for high-level languages. The
current embodiment of this goal is DrScheme, the PLT's
development environment for Scheme.
DrScheme is a sophisticated environment that comprises many smaller
components. Simple user interface documentation for DrScheme can be
found in the main DrScheme manual, plus a few other manuals targeted
at the most visible parts of DrScheme:
- DrScheme
is an environment for developing and debugging Scheme applications.
General user information is in PLT DrScheme: Development Environment Manual../drscheme/index.htm. This manual
also provides information for developers who want to extend
the environment.
- MrSpidey
is the static debugger that is built into DrScheme. MrSpidey analyzes
programs and highlights potential errors in the program
source. Information about using the static debugger is in
PLT MrSpidey: Static Debugger Manual../mrspidey/index.htm.
DrScheme's core language and graphical operating system are documented
- The Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme../r4rs/index/htm is the definition of the basic
Scheme language.
- MzScheme
(pronounced ``Ms. Scheme'') is the core PLT Scheme implementation. It is
documented in PLT MzScheme: Language Manual../mzscheme/index.htm. MzScheme is incorporated directly into
MrEd and DrScheme.
- MrEd is a high-level
graphical operating system based on MzScheme. MrEd is composed
of two subparts:
- MrEd Engine - an executeable. The engine incorporates the
MzScheme runtime system and implements the primitive
graphical operating system and graphical toolbox. The
graphical toolbox's built-in names all begin with the
wx: prefix.
- MrEd System - Scheme code. The system is loaded by the
engine at startup to extend the primitive toolbox
with more powerful classes. System extension names
are prefixed with mred:. The system also provides
a basic development shell with access to the graphical
operating system.
MrEd is documented in PLT MrEd: Graphical Toolbox Manual../toolbox/index.htm. DrScheme is implemented as a
MrEd application. - MzLib is a library of Scheme utilities provided with
MzScheme. MzLib is documented along with MzScheme.
- The match pattern-matching syntax is part of MzLib,
but documented separately in Pattern Matching for Scheme../match/index.htm.
Low-level information can be useful to developers extending DrScheme,
developers making C/C++-based extensions available in MzScheme, or
developers embeddeding MzScheme into other applications:
- McMicMac is the
parsing front-end for DrScheme. McMicMac perserves source location
information for run-time errors, and supports user-level syntax
extensions (``macros''). McMicMac is documented in
PLT McMicMac: Parser Manual../m3/index.htm.
- MzScheme can be extended with new C/C++-based primitives
or embedded into a C/C++ program. Information for extending and
embedding MzScheme is in Inside PLT MzScheme../insidemz/index.htm.
- xctocc is a utility that helps produce ``glue''
code for extending MzScheme with new C++-based classes. The utility
is described in PLT xcctocc: C++ Glue Generator Manual../xctocc/index.htm.
The low-level manuals are not indexed here.
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