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Notations and Terminology

These documents assume a strong familiarity with MzScheme. In particular, the implementation of McMicMac makes extensive use of structures and sub-typing, units and classes.

In these documents, a structure declaration is written as follows:

type (field)

corresponds to the Scheme code

  (define-struct type (field)) 

Sub-typing is declared as in

sub-type : type (added-field)

which corresponds to code such as

  (define-struct (sub-type struct:type) (added-field)) 

In the text, the types are written as type, and the fields as field.

Some of the following chapters have sections on the types used and the procedures provided. It will be assumed that the available procedures automatically include all those arising out of the structure declarations mentioned in the types section, even if these are not explicated in the section on procedures.