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The source for match-and-rewrite is presented first:

  (define match-and-rewrite 
  (lambda (expr rewriter out kwd env) 
    (let ((p-env (match-against rewriter expr env))) 
      (and p-env 
           (pexpand out p-env kwd)))))) 

This assumes that a compiled pattern has already been generated for use as the rewriter argument. A typical use might be:

  (let* ((kwd '(let)) 
  (in-pattern '(let ((v e) ...) b)) 
  (out-pattern '((lambda (v ...) b) e ...)) 
  (m&e (make-match&env in-pattern kwd))) 
  (lambda (expr env) 
  (or (match-and-rewrite expr m&e out-pattern kwd env) 
      (static-error expr "Malformed let")))) 

This implements the let macro used by many Scheme implementations. Note that the compiled pattern, bound to m&e, is created outside the procedure representing the let macro.

  (let* ((kwd '(lambda)) 
(in-pattern '(lambda args body)) 
(m&e (make-match&env in-pattern kwd))) 
(lambda (expr env attributes vocab) 
((match-against m&e expr env) 
(lambda (p-env) 
(let ((args (pexpand 'args p-env kwd)) 
(body (pexpand 'body p-env kwd))) 
(make-lambda-form args body)))) 
(static-error expr "Malformed lambda body"))))) 

In this example, a simplified version of the Scheme lambda expression is shown. Note that there is no checking done to ensure that args does indeed match against a well-formed argument list. After the pattern variables are expanded, the results are passed to the procedure make-lambda-form, which may represent an abstract syntax constructor.